Monday, 29 September 2008

Thursday, 25 September 2008


According to my date calculation, I am 6 weeks pregnant today. But according to pregnancy calculators on the Internet, I am only 5 weeks today.

I think the best thing to do for now until my weeks have been confirmed is to just do a diary about what is going on and then work the dates back later. It will mean that I have to take pictures every Thursday just to make sure I get the 6 week and 12 week pictures on the right day.

I had a quick listen to my Ellis 6 week diary and I said that I was very, very bloated last time. Don't seem to be too bad this time and my boobs are not sore at all. Last time if I knocked them with my arm while walking, it would kill!

I was also really tired and I am this time too.

My sweet tooth has returned! I constantly crave chocolate and puddings rather than my usual savoury foods. That isn't a good thing as I want to keep my weight gain to normal levels this time.

I am really thirsty all the time too and I have been getting headaches on and off.

I called the doctors this morning to make an appointment, but here they don't do a doctors appointment first, you just see the midwife when you are about 10 weeks. I asked if they do a 12 week scan or not and I was just told to speak to the midwife about it. Wont need to see her until end of October.

Going out with my Mummy friends on 15th November when I will hopefully be about 12 weeks preggers. This will be a nice time to tell them I think.

I have attached what I think is the 6 week photo but I will amend it accordingly once the scan has been done.

Went to see Mum yesterday and she said she thought it was about time that I had another baby. I came out with loads of reasons that I wasn't ready etc but it was very weird to think that I am already growing a baby! I so wanted to tell her.

I kept my pregnancy test like I did last time but the results have now gone! I will have to do another one which stays.

Weeing all the time but I think that is because I am drinking so much more. I am so thirsty. I have a bit of a cold at the moment anyway which is giving me a dry throat that obviously isn't helping.

The only bad thing about not having any obvious symptoms is that you are never sure if you are still pregnant. Then again, I wouldn't want to feel sick all the time either.

Been thinking that I might need to tell my yoga group as I don't really want to do anything that might harm the baby. I will see how it goes tonight. Don't really want to tell anyone yet.

6 week photo this time.

6 week photo last time.

The dates etc on this video are wrong, so please ignore that bit.

Sunday, 21 September 2008


Yesterday was amazing. I was still buzzing from the results and Rob and I had the day together, without Ellis, at Simon and Teresa's wedding, and we spoke about it quite a lot.

It was so nice having this little secret between us and Rob seems really excited. He touched my belly, kept saying about the 3 of us being there, talked about the fact that we are a family of 4, and was just generally thinking about it which was really, really good for me.

Rob said that he was quite excited for Ellis. I feel a bit sad for him as he will have no idea what is going on other than the fact that Mummy can't do all the usual things and that he will have to share me. I'm sure it will work out and be fine.

Mum and Dad are back from Spain tonight and I really want to tell them. It was so hard at the wedding as I wanted to tell everyone. In fact I nearly slipped up and told Nic just before the ceremony started. I went bright red as I tried to cover my tracks! She did actually ask us if we would start trying soon.

I had a couple of cuddles with Ella during the day and I now remember that I am rubbish with newish borns. They are just too floppy and stuff and I don't know how to hold them securely. I can't wait to hold mine though.

Having no symptons yet is the best!

Sally looked after Ellis yesterday and when she put him to bed she had to find the monitor. It was in our room right next to my pregnancy and birth book and the science book that I was reading about growing baby! She will put 2 and 2 together for sure. How am I going to get around that one. Think I'm just going to say that I found them recently and thought I would read up about ovulation and stuff, to get ready for when the time comes.

Can't believe I'm pregnant! It's wicked!

Friday, 19 September 2008


We set the camera up to film the test result and if you look closely, it is actually showing positive before Rob even walks away!

We then tried to film our response but I am a total idiot and didn't press record!

I had completely convinced myself that I wasn't pregnant so I was very, very surprised to see the positive result. Happy, but shocked.

I interviewed Rob to get his initial response.

He then interviewed me. I went to bed shortly after but was unable to sleep. I wonder why?

Can't wait to tell everyone now, hope it sticks and it is all healthy and stuff.


I managed to set up the tripod to take some new 0/4 week pictures. I also did some new measurements which have changed slightly.

0 week this time.

0 week last time.


Weight = 11st 6lbs
Tummy = 85cm
Upper arm = 27cm
Upper leg = 57cm
Ankle = 23.5cm
Neck = 32.5cm

All the figures are less than before so I am going to use these as the starting point, even though I might be 4/5 weeks pregnant now.


Tuesday, 16 September 2008


Any day now! My period is due now and so far I am still having normal discharge. I do feel like my period is coming though. I am bloated, moody, craving rubbish food, hot flushes and cramps. Still nothing to show for it yet though.

If I don't come on this week I will be soooooo surprised. I have convinced myself that I am not pregnant and I am just waiting for the period to arrive. It would be the best news if I am wrong, but I don't think so.

My weight remains at around 11st 7lb and I still haven't done any new photos. I must get Rob to do some.

Mummies afternoon is due to start any minute so I have to go and get the kettle and biscuits ready.

Sunday, 14 September 2008


Period is due any day now. Like I said before I would be totally surprised if I was pregnant. I haven't had any symptoms at all.

I still have normal discharge so that could be a good sign, and I did have a slight headache on Friday - Saturday. Boobs feel completely normal.

Fingers and toes crossed that I don't come on and I will do a test on Thursday if I haven't by then.

To be honest it would be okay if I wasn't as I am so enjoying just being with Ellis. I really want him to continue his groups and stuff and I want to give a newborn as much attention as possible. That would be easier if Ellis was a bit older.

Off to see Grandma this morning as she is 80 today!

Went to a party last night and had loads of nice comments about how slim I looked! It was really nice to hear. I am 11st 6lbs now. I don't want to go any lower but would like to tone up a bit. Still haven't done new 0 week pictures or measurements. Might try and do that later today.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Monday, 8 September 2008


I wasn't going to write about how I feel and stuff because I don't want to look really stupid each month.

Basically I convince myself that I am not pregnant but then little things happen, such as cramping, or feeling sick like last night, and I then think, well maybe I am and I get all excited. I then tell myself again that I am not pregnant and I should stop being so silly and reading into everything that happens.

We are out this Saturday for Alex's 30th birthday party and we have decided that Rob has to drink so that it doesn't look too suspect. He seemed okay with this. Then again I might come on early like last month and I will be able to drink instead.

I haven't weighed for a few days now which is probably a good thing as I have just been eating loads!

I so hope I don't get morning sickness. Last night I felt so sick that I took a bowl to bed with me. But the thing was, I couldn't work out if I was hungry sick or sick sick, if that makes sense.

Due on roughly on Monday 15th, but could be slightly before or after. I wanna know now! I can't stand the waiting, it drives me insane.

Thursday, 4 September 2008


Well if we don't get pregnant this month, it isn't through a lack of effort!

It has been quite good fun but very tiring. One more day to go and then I think my ovulation dates are over.

Yesterday I had slightly different discharge (wallpaper paste) which is exactly what I had last time. I have tried so hard to not get my hopes up but I just can't help it.

I keep looking out for other signs. I am willing my boobs to hurt!

Looking at some websites yesterday it says that even if we had sex at exactly the right time, we still only have a 26% chance of being successful! I can't believe that! I hope it doesn't take us too long.

Jaidan and Leighton have now named their son, Jasper.