Monday, 29 December 2008

Saturday, 27 December 2008


Still not feeling any real movement and certainly not on a regular basis. With Ellis, from about 16 weeks onwards, I felt him all the time. Very strange.

Had a really good Christmas and I have been feeling much better recently.

I have my first physio session on Wednesday but at the moment I'm not having any problems. I hope they don't just leave me too it.

Rob and I ordered the double buggy today. We think we got a good price but I need to speak to Jaidan to find out what she paid.

We ordered the Phil & Ted 3 wheel sport in black with the baby cocoon.

Really looking forward to the 20 week scan, but also worried too. Not sure if we are taking Ellis with us or not yet. I would rather not take him but Rob would.

Bump still goes up and down. This morning I just looked a bit bloated but by the time the evening arrives, it is rather round and sticking out. My belly button is well weird this time too. It has been sticking out since the early days, and last time it didn't stick out at all.

I watched quite a few old videos tonight of when Ellis was first born. It is quite scary how big I was and also looking back, I can't remember what to do! With Ellis I felt reasonably confident about how to look after him, and what I planned to do, but this time around I just don't have a clue. I'm sure it will all be fine.

Saturday, 20 December 2008

1:10,000 - 18 WEEKS, 1 DAY

I was 18 weeks pregnant yesterday! I can't believe how quickly it is going by.

Not feeling too bad. Had a bit of sickness yesterday and my pelvis has been playing up a little bit. I have been doing quite a lot of physical things in the last few days so maybe I should take it easy.

Today I have done tons of housework. I have made a small dent in it but there is still loads more to do. Rob said he was going to take Ellis out tomorrow so that should help me to get on with it.

Bump seems to go up and down. I'm not as big as I was last time which is actually good news. My face is starting to fill out a bit but Rob doesn't agree.

Still not really feeling much movement, and in fact the last few days, I haven't felt any which has made me a bit worried.

Phoned the midwife yesterday and received good news about the Downs Syndrome screening. There is a 1:10,000 chance of the baby having Downs Syndrome. For Ellis is was 1:3,500 so the odds are looking quite good.

Just over 2 weeks until the 20 week scan and I can't wait to find out what it is. I feel like it is a girl. Rob, my brother Craig and sister Kate think it is a boy. It wouldn't bother me what it is this time around.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008


Feeling fine and everything seems to be going well. I'm sure I can feel movement although not proper kicks yet.

I have a small bump now which is nice but I can still hide it if I want to and I am still in my size 12 jeans which is amazing compared to last time.

Naomi said that she didn't tell anyone until she was 20 weeks! For one thing, how on earth could you keep it secret for that long? I would be bursting! And the second thing, where did she hide her bump? And if she didn't have a bump, then why the hell not?

Eating has gone a bit wrong since Friday so need to get back on the wagon as such. Need to eat better and less snacking.

Had a couple of funny turns recently which may be related to food but not sure. Just came over all dizzy about 3 times but it passes really quickly.

Yoga last night was brilliant. I felt like I had a really good work out and I enjoyed it. No pain in my pelvis at all today so that is really good news.

I have a line dance tomorrow night but I will still take it steady and I wont be doing as many spins as I normally do. To be honest, I have cut out a lot of spins already.

Getting really excited about the 20 week scan now. So much is going to happen in the next few weeks, it's going to be amazing.

I have to phone the midwife on Thursday to get the Downs Syndrome blood test results. I'm a bit nervous but remaining positive.

Rob is away tonight so I have the bed to myself which should be nice. Although last time I woke up having a nightmare and then I couldn't get back to sleep as I was worrying that someone was trying to break-in!

Tuesday, 9 December 2008


Had my second midwife appointment last night.

We arrived on time, and Judith didn't take long before calling us in.

She took some of my blood to do the screening for Downs Syndrome and then I laid on the bed and we listened to the heart for the first time. It was just as amazing as the first time with Ellis. Little Dollop didn't like being poked and had a little wriggle.

Next appointment isn't until the end of February now! That is ages away.

Blood pressure was still normal, 120/70, which was good news.

The last couple of days have been a bit of a struggle. I've been feeling really sick and not really wanting to eat or drink even. I was sick a bit at Sharon's house during Mummy afternoon and then again at the doctors. Not very nice. I hope it is pregnancy related and that I don't pass a bug onto anyone. Feeling slightly better today and I have managed to have a bit of breakfast.

Pelvis seems to be much better, touch wood. I am going to attempt line dancing on Wednesday and see how I get on. I think I will take it steady for the first week back.

I have two Christmas parties this week and I have nothing to wear! Maternity stuff is way too big and normal clothes are pinching a bit. All my tops are riding up and my one pair of jeans need to visit the bin, permanently. Will have to go shopping on Thursday I think.

Been feeling Dollop move quite a bit, especially in the evenings and when I am in the bath. It is really reasurring and I love it.

Off to try and eat some lunch now.

Friday, 5 December 2008


Since my last entry I have started to feel a bit better. I may have a water infection but that isn't causing me too many problems. A wee sample has been sent off and I'm waiting for the results. I will have to wait until Monday for the results.

My pelvis injury seems to be just that, an injury. I know that my pelvis is unstable and it can't take a lot of punishment right now. The pain has nearly gone but I have a niggly feeling when I do certain things and I need to remain careful. I have been resting and nursing it since Monday and that seems to have done the trick. It is obviously a weak spot and I will note its progress.

I have also not felt the need to have my morning naps as much. It may have something to do with sleeping a bit better but I am still having horrible dreams.

Last night I dreamt I had a miscarriage and Dollop had to be removed, and there was lots of blood and tears. It wasn't very nice and then in another one, Ellis managed to get hold of a packet of chewing gum and he had hundreds in his mouth. Every time I took 5 out, 6 more would appear! It was very scary.

So far in this pregnancy there have been a few differences to my first one. Obviously the pelvis pain kicked in very early and I have had lots of colds this time too. My boobs haven't been anywhere near as painful and my baby bump seems to go up and down. I don't think I have filled out so much this time either. I mean my face, arms, bum, legs, neck and feet ballooned very quickly last time. I am more active I suppose and eating less than before as we aren't living with my parents. Mum did huge meals, healthy but lots of it and they had a "chocolate box"!

Also I think about the pregnancy a lot more than I did with Ellis. I think that has something to do with the fact that I am not really taking it for granted and I am waiting for each stage to kick in, if that makes sense. Can't really explain what I mean. With Ellis, we would keep forgetting but I suppose I have to be very careful with Ellis jumping about and the fact that my pelvis is bad has been a constant reminder too.

Rob is home for the next 4 days, and we have a busy weekend so it should be nice but will go fast.

Well, I'm now 16 weeks so here is my 16 week photos and measurements.

This time...

... last time.


Weight = 11st 10lb (+4lbs)
Tummy = 91cm (+6cm)
Upper arm = 27cm
Upper leg = 59cm (+2cm)
Ankle = 23.5cm
Neck = 32.5cm

Monday, 1 December 2008


Mum - Don't worry I'm okay, just a bad day. x

Midwife phoned just after 2pm to say that the physiotherapist is currently off on long term sick and that I shouldn't hold my breathe for an appointment. She will try and refer me to Southmead instead to see if I can get an appointment there. In the mean time I'm told to take Paracetamol and to keep my knees together! Great!