Saturday, 26 December 2009


Monthly updates it is then! I just can't find the time and I have loads of things I really want to be getting on with so I have decided to just do it a month at a time, so check back around the 26th of each month.

Lets start with the pictures which I like this month.

This is Ellis at 7 months.

Where to start? Me. I've been feeling good. My diet is totally out of the window and my weight has shot back up but I'm not bothered. New year will bring a new diet and hopefully a new me and some new clothes! My boobs are still massive and don't fit into my normal bras but hopefully with the weaning, they will go down soon. My pelvis is still weak and aches and stings if I over do it, but hopefully if I can start getting fit again it will improve.

My hair is still falling out and it is very thin around my face and ears but I'm not too worried. It has started to grow back in places. My hairdresser suggested I put a colour in it just to give it a boost, which I might try next month.

Leo's character is really starting to show now. He is a cheeky little monkey but is so lovable. He is very smiley and pretty much always happy. He spends most of his day rolling around the living room stealing Ellis' toys and trying to eat everything.

He generally has 2 naps a day but I think he would be better off with 3 but not sure how I can fit them in. His sleeping is still all over the place and wakes up in the morning at very different times so it's hard to start the day off in any sort of routine. He goes for his first nap 2 hours after he wakes up so that changes every day. Last night he slept from 7pm to 5:20am but then wouldn't go back down so I brought him in with us and fed him again so he would sleep. That is the best night he has had in months! He pretty much always wakes at 10pm on the dot, sometimes he just cries and goes back off and other times it takes me an hour of controlled crying to get him to go back to sleep. He sleeps on this left side holding his rabbit, just like Ellis. He does suck his thumb but not as much as Ellis. It is a very good indicator of his mood. If you pick him up and he sticks his thumb in then you know he needs sleep or food which you can work out depending on which is due.

His eye is still sticky and I recently got some drops from the doctor to try and clear it up but I think it is still just a blocked tear duct. Seeing the health visitor on the 5th Jan so hopefully if it's the good one I can ask her about it.

Weaning has been up and down. We started okay then he was ill over Christmas and it pretty much stopped but then on Boxing Day he ate loads and since then he has been doing much better. He still needs more milk feeds than what my book says to give him but I have to adapt it for him as he isn't a robot. He doesn't like vegetables at all but loves fruit, especially banana.

I realised recently that I haven't been sitting him up so he was totally out of practice. I would try and sit him and he would arch his back and fall over. He falls over really well though and lands on his hands and just goes off. He isn't in to sitting still.

We took Leo to his Jolly Babies Christmas Do without Ellis which was really nice for him and us. I'm sure he didn't even notice but it made me feel good that he was getting our sole attention.

While at the party Caroline asked me how far off I thought he was from crawling. I said ages and as we turned to look at him he pulled himself forward! I thought it was just a fluke as the floor was wood and slippery but the very next day he did it again, and from then on he was going forward too!

Bath time routine is still an arse! Not sure when that will change really. As soon as Leo is removed from the bath he is an unhappy chappy and he doesn't generally calm down until being fed. I'm hoping the new bath mat bought for him for Christmas from Nanny & Grandad Rennolds will help me a bit.

Leo's first Christmas went well although he had his first bad cold. When he was 4 months he had a cold with a temperature but this one was bad. He had a temp, really, really snotty nose, cough and was just generally not a happy bunny. He was still a trooper though and there was only one day that you couldn't get him to smile. He also loves Calpol and would cry when I walked away with the empty spoon.

4 teeth now! The top two came through around Christmas day which added to his bad cold symptoms, poor thing. The two incisors on the top are also pushing on the gum so I don't think they will be long either.

I am soooooo lucky to have both of my boys in my life. When I have a bad day with them I really need to remember what I have, to make it all better. I would have tons of kids if we could afford it, if I could cope with pregnancy and birth and if I could split myself between all of them equally. Will never happen so I am just happy with what I have, 2 perfect Angels.