Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Friday, 21 November 2008


14 weeks today and I'm not feeling too bad. I over did it a bit today and my back is feeling the strain of carrying Ellis, bags, shopping and bending up and down.

Still waiting to feel it move but I can't wait.

When I lie on my back now I get a little hard lump which is reassuring, and I often lay my hand on it thinking back to the scan and picturing the little person waving back at us.

Boobs are still growing and nipples are very sore but that is all good I suppose.

Nothing else to report.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008


I now have an accurate date, thanks to my dating scan today. I am 13 weeks 4 days, which makes my due date 22nd May 2009.

Here are the scan pictures including the one where Dollop gave us a little wave to say hello. Click on the pictures to see the larger version.

Just as a comparison, below is Ellis' 12 week scan picture. He was 2 and a bit weeks younger than Dollop.

The pregnancy is already going so fast! I want to really try and enjoy every bit of it, especially as it might be my last time. I hope it isn't but we will have to see how things go.

Been getting loads of messages of congratulations and it is so nice. I love it. I'm going to make a note of them all for the scrap book.

Hopefully hear the heartbeat in a couple of weeks and then shortly after will feel it move. So exciting.

Monday, 17 November 2008


This time tomorrow, we will be at the hospital either in having our scan or waiting for it.

I am so nervous this time. I keep getting butterflies in my tummy when I think about it. What if it only has one arm or some other deformity? When I had my scan with Ellis I wasn't that worried, just excited to see it. Wish I could feel the same this time.

Everyone keeps saying to me that it will all be fine, but they don't know that for sure. Things go wrong all the time.

All being well, I will attempt to scan on the pictures of Dollop and Ellis for a comparison.

Fingers and toes crossed.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

12 WEEKS? - 12 WEEKS, 6 DAYS

From my calculations I think I am roughly 12 weeks today. The scan on Tuesday will hopefully confirm that but if not, then I will update and make any changes necessary.

I have updated bump watch picture and Dollop picture and below are my 12 week pictures and measurements.

12 weeks this time.

12 weeks last time.


Weight = 11st 11lb (+5 lbs)
Tummy = 89cm (+4cm)
Upper arm = 27cm
Upper leg = 58.5cm (+1.5cm)
Ankle = 23.5cm
Neck = 33cm (+.5cm)

Still feeling fine although I am aware that my weight gain has been rather rapid! Will have to keep an eye on that, except for tonight of course as I am having Chinese food with my Mummy friends.

Sunday, 9 November 2008


I've reached quite a critical part of the pregnancy and so far I feel okay. Well I say okay, cause I'm not being sick or even feeling sick but for the last 2/3 days I've had quite a sharp pain on my right hand side, right over the area that was badly bruised from my c-section. I'm sure it is just muscles and stuff moving around but if it gets worse, I will go to see the midwife.

Boobs are getting much bigger now! My right one which is slightly bigger than the left is starting to poke out of the top of my bra now. Will have to get in the loft to find the bigger bras. I'm also going to need bigger jeans pretty soon. I am much bigger this time, doh!

Not long until the scan now which is good. Would be nice to know everything is progressing okay and to know how far gone I actually am.

Been being a bit dopey recently. Loosing me marbles so to speak. I don't really have any stories to tell but just generally been a bit slow on things.

Jaidan and Leighton came over today with their gorgeous brood. We had a lovely time and I really enjoyed chatting to Jai about what it is like second time around etc. I'm really excited but also scared. I am just going to enjoy the pregnancy for now, which so far, I am.

Yoga group again tomorrow. Hope it is as good as last week.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Monday, 3 November 2008

Sunday, 2 November 2008


Had a horrible cold since Tuesday so been trying to take it easy. Feeling much better today but not 100% yet. Ellis started coughing this morning so I think I may be in for a bit of hard work soon. Poor baby.

Dollop is doing okay I think. The pressure on my bladder is making me wee all the time, but not a lot comes out. Trying to improve my fluid intake too which is proving to be quite difficult, as I just forget all the time.

I did my wee sample for the doctors this week, which should tell me if I have a water infection or not. Not sure when I get the results.

I'm enjoying doing my blogging and I can't wait for the scan. It seems really close, now that we are in November. I haven't received a letter about the appointment yet so will chase midwife during the week if it hasn't arrived by then.

Still really excited and happy. I went to bed last night with all the children catalogues I could find and started doing lists of things I need to do and things I might need to get for Dollop. I know, I know, it is too soon but I just like thinking about it all.

Pelvis is really clicky but so far, not too much pain. Lower back pain has started over the last couple of days but that might be from sitting on my bum so much.

I will be trying to add a few more things to the website over the next couple of days. I need Rob's help with it so it might take a while. Have a vote in the new poll while you wait.