Sunday, 9 November 2008


I've reached quite a critical part of the pregnancy and so far I feel okay. Well I say okay, cause I'm not being sick or even feeling sick but for the last 2/3 days I've had quite a sharp pain on my right hand side, right over the area that was badly bruised from my c-section. I'm sure it is just muscles and stuff moving around but if it gets worse, I will go to see the midwife.

Boobs are getting much bigger now! My right one which is slightly bigger than the left is starting to poke out of the top of my bra now. Will have to get in the loft to find the bigger bras. I'm also going to need bigger jeans pretty soon. I am much bigger this time, doh!

Not long until the scan now which is good. Would be nice to know everything is progressing okay and to know how far gone I actually am.

Been being a bit dopey recently. Loosing me marbles so to speak. I don't really have any stories to tell but just generally been a bit slow on things.

Jaidan and Leighton came over today with their gorgeous brood. We had a lovely time and I really enjoyed chatting to Jai about what it is like second time around etc. I'm really excited but also scared. I am just going to enjoy the pregnancy for now, which so far, I am.

Yoga group again tomorrow. Hope it is as good as last week.

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