Saturday, 28 February 2009

Friday, 27 February 2009


In focus bump pictures.


I was feeling rather slim this morning, apart from bump obviously, until I took my bump pictures! My face and arms are huge! Ah well, I suppose it was gonna happen.

I set the tripod up to take these and they aren't very good. Will get Rob to do some when he gets home, so they are just temporary.

Been feeling Dollop move quite a bit. He tends to have quiet times and awake times. Not really any sort of pattern yet. Ellis was always moving! I'm sure he just didn't sleep.

The movements and kicks from Dollop feel very different from Ellis. Dollop tends to spin around quite a lot so I will get a kick up, then down, then left and right, all within a couple of minutes. Ellis just used to sit in one position. I can't really explain it properly but it is just different somehow.

Weighed this morning, just out of interest and I'm 12st 12lb. Which means I've roughly put on 1st 4lbs so far.

On it says the following on weight gain during pregnancy.

• At birth, your baby will weigh approximately 3,300g (7.3lb). ELLIS WAS 7LB 13 1/2OZ
• During pregnancy, the muscle layer of your womb (uterus) grows dramatically and weighs an extra 900g (2lb).
• The placenta (afterbirth), which keeps your baby nourished, weighs 600g (1.3lb).
• Your breasts weigh an extra 400g (0.9lb).
• Your blood volume increases and weighs an extra 1,200g (2.6lb)
• You have extra fluid in your body, and amniotic fluid around the baby, weighing 2,600g (5.7lb).
• Plus, you will lay down some fat during your pregnancy to provide you with extra energy for breastfeeding. This comes to about 2,500g (5.5lb).

So, by the end of pregnancy you will weigh about 11,000g (24.2lb) more than you did before you became pregnant. This is an average weight gain but of course, you're not an average woman. And no woman is. Our
pregnancy weight gain estimator can give you a more personalised indication of what you might gain. The amount of weight you should gain will depend on how heavy you were before you became pregnant.

Using their weight gain estimator the results are as follows (click on it to enlarge):

So far so good then.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009


The boys' rooms are 99% done now. Just a bit more pottering and they will be complete.

Had a midwife appointment yesterday and we heard the heartbeat again which was brilliant. I think the midwife was surprised by how loud and clear it was, straight away.

Ellis was quite upset about me lying down on the bed so Rob had to hold him. Very sweet.

My blood pressure was 120/70 which is great and my belly measurement was 27cm, which is what it is supposed to be. Dollop was upside down and I said that I think he always is. She said that there is plenty of time and space for him to turn around yet.

I was given a form to complete to claim the healthy pregnancy grant and a MAT1B.

The antenatal groups start at the end of March and they are held on a Tuesday morning from 9:30 - 11:30am. That will come around very quickly.

Need to book a tour of the hospital soon too. I know I have been there before but I don't really remember it and I'm hoping for a different experience this time.

Ellis is awake so got to go.

Saturday, 21 February 2009


Rob took my bump pictures tonight, and believe it or not, the first picture is me sucking my tummy in as much as I can.

Been feeling fine. Pelvis is still horrible but I'm living with it. I seem to be hobbling quite a lot this evening but I have been on my feet a lot today and done quite a bit of walking so I suppose it could be to do with that.

Midwife appointment on Monday. I haven't seen her since the start of December and I'm not sure what will be done. I assume, wee check, blood pressure, baby heart rate and tummy measure.

I love being pregnant and this stage is the best. Dollop moves quite a bit, especially in the evening when I'm sat down, which is great as I can actually spend the time paying attention to him. I don't think he moves enough to do a video of it yet but I will try soon.

Both Rob and I are really excited about seeing the little guy. We haven't come up with any names yet though. I gave Rob a list of about 15 names and he said no to all of them. He hasn't come up with anything yet so I can see Dollop, being called Dollop for a while after he is born.

I have made excellent progress on the boys' rooms and tomorrow we are planning on moving Ellis into the big room. I hope he settles in okay. The plan was for him to have his day nap in the new room before going down for the night, but he hasn't been napping in the day! I hope tomorrow he does. Will do a video of the rooms tomorrow when they are 90% done.

I really can't believe that I am on my way to being 28 weeks pregnant. The amount of weeks to go is getting lower and lower and sometimes it is quite scary. Our family of 3 is lush and so you worry about it all changing. I want to enjoy it just being us 3 as much as possible and suggested today that we go away for a long weekend. Rob thought it was quite a good idea, so I might look into where and when we can go.

My engagement ring is still fitting okay so I must have just had a very bloated day.

Removed two things from my "to get" list today. Bought a pack of 3 newborn grows and a do,do, called Rolo. It is so soft, that I couldn't stop stroking it. I hope Dollop likes it. If he doesn't, I'll have it.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009


The midwife phoned back, just after lunch on the same day to tell me that I was immune to Chickenpox and that was that. I already knew from last time anyway but just wanted to double check.

I have been working very hard on getting the boy's rooms ready and I am nearly finished. You wouldn't believe the amount of sorting I have had to do. Although I am not finished I am already feeling more relaxed and happy about stuff in general. I will do a video of the progress and explain what I have done and what still needs to be done.

Mum very kindly came over this morning to hoover the house and I am very grateful for her doing so. I was getting really fed up with seeing all the dust and bits around the house but didn't want to give myself more pelvis pain by trying to clear it all up.

Pelvis hasn't been too bad and I will probably attempt some line dancing tomorrow night.

I have been having some strange muscle pain/pulls in my stomach, but I suppose that is to be expected as they are not where they should be. I need to wear my support again but it has been in the wash. Will be wearing it tomorrow. I don't think all the work on the spare room etc has helped. Also I have had an annoying chesty, tickly cough which has effected the muscles too.

Two days ago my hands were very puffy and my engagement ring was digging in. The following day it was the same so I didn't wear the ring. Woke up today and thought my hands didn't look like man hands, so tried my ring on. It fit fine, so I wore it all day today, which was wicked.

Bump is growing quite quickly and although I know I have put a few extra pounds on, I am still only wearing my size 14 jeans and some normal tops. I have also worn maternity stuff but it is slightly too big.

Since bump is now sticking out more, I have been hitting it on things. Mainly the fridge door, bath, top of cot and door handles. I found a scratch on it yesterday, but I don't know how I got that.

One thing I find really funny with having the bump is trying to pass people in tight spaces. They obviously just don't realise that it doesn't matter which way I turn, they wont be able to pass me. It takes them a minute to work it out before they reverse to let me through. And no I am not the size of a car!

Dollop had a very fidgety day today. He moved and kicked loads throughout the day, which was really nice and I tried to pay attention to all of it.

I think I am at a really good stage in the pregnancy. Aches and pains aren't too bad, I'm not huge and baby moves a lot. I'm really enjoying it now and I hope that continues for quite a while yet.

I am also at the stage where you loose the ability to explain yourself or to use any type of descriptive word in the right way, or at all. It can be funny at times but mostly frustrating. It's in there somewhere but just never comes out. I'm sure Rob would claim, it was never there in the first place!

I feel like the baby is due in a few weeks, but when I work it out, I could have another 15 weeks to go! That is over 3 months! That is ages away but I am already starting to get organised like it is a lot closer than that. I was thinking of doing my hospital bag already!

I've started to read some books about caring for a newborn etc and trying to get my head back into that way of thinking. I'm sure it will all fall into place anyway but I would prefer to be prepared.

At yoga last night, Vivien blew up my exercise ball that I used in labour. As soon as I sat on it, I was flooded with memories. It really freaked me out and I know I need to get my head in the right place again. There is no point trying to ignore the fact that I will more than likely have to go through labour again and hopefully, in a strange way, pass a baby out of my vagina! I really do not want a c-section if I can help it.

Ellis and I have been looking at old videos and pictures of when he was first born. It is so weird looking back and I can't really remember him ever being that small. Even when I was sorting out some of the baby clothes these last few days, I couldn't believe that they were big on him to start with. It's going to be lush to have another little bundle and I can't wait now, getting really excited. I just really want to cherish and remember every moment as I know from experience that it is gone in a blink of an eye.


He was so tiny!

There is still lots to do and some things to buy. I have my lists of course.

To buy:

Nappies - Tesco own brand (soft) - size 1 and 2
Coming home outfit
Memorabilia storage box
Play mat
Do, do
Sleeping bag
Plain white baby grows - newborn, one pack of 3
Snuggle blanket

To do:

Go through bibs
Borrow moses basket
Sort out the baby box
Do birth plan (wait until 36 week check)
Book hospital tour
Re-search car seats and purchase
Pick a name
Sort out rooms
Clean seat covers etc

I'm sure there is loads more to do etc but that's it for now.

I would have done a video diary but Rob prefers to read it instead. So this one is for you honey. x

Friday, 13 February 2009


26 weeks today! The time is slipping away very quickly. I know I say that every week and I probably will until Dollop arrives. Then I'll be saying I can't believe Dollop is one month old etc.

Started to look slightly chubby on the arms, face and neck. To be expected I suppose. I have started to eat better again now so hopefully I will curb the excess weight gain.

Ellis has chicken pox so I have phoned the midwife and left a message for her to call me. Just want to check my immunity and to find out if I can catch anything else as I have a very swollen throat and chesty cough, (completely unrelated I'm sure).

Line dance tonight but pelvis still isn't great. Will take me dancing shoes, not boots, and see how I feel later on. I don't want to over do it as I have a busy weekend ahead sorting out the bedrooms. Really excited about doing that though.

Looking forward to seeing Rob and having a cuddle and hopefully watching Dollop move and kick around like he did last night. He went mad! It was lush to watch and it is exactly what I was looking forward to the most about being pregnant. I will try and capture it on video soon and I plan to take the camera to bed with me as this seems to be the time he does it the most. It doesn't keep me awake though.

I can't wait to meet the little guy now but I know he has a lot more cooking to do yet. I just wish, like last time, that my pelvis would be okay. It would be so much easier.

Really enjoying being pregnant though, other than the pelvis thing and I am trying to cherish every good moment as it might be the last time I get to experience it.

Done loads this morning and I'm feeling really chuffed with myself. Might take Ellis out for a walk in a bit as we can't really do anything else due to his chicken pox. But then again that would aggravate my pelvis. Will see later on.

I've noticed that I have started to call Dollop "he" and that I talk about "my boys" already. Denial period is officially over!

Thursday, 12 February 2009


A couple of days ago, I lunged to try and catch something that was falling. This has now led to having a sore pelvis again. It is actually quite tender to the touch and I have been trying to take it a bit easier, physically, over the last few days. It hasn't worked and today it is still quite sore.

I have a line dance tomorrow night and I am going to go, just to see everyone as I haven't seen them for a couple of weeks. At this moment I don't think I will even attempt a dance. I will see how I feel on the night.

I have been wearing my support bandage and nursing my pelvis as before but it hasn't improved yet. I hope it goes like before, but time will tell on that.

I'm supposed to go swimming today but it just means a lot of physical work. Getting myself, Ellis and the stuff ready, getting him in the car, getting myself in the car, getting out the car, getting the buggy out the car and lifting Ellis out of his seat and into his buggy. Then we have to get undressed, dressed, in the pool, out the pool, showered, undressed, dressed again and then the return trip in the car. I mentioned to Rob that I didn't think I felt up to going and he said why not! Men are so funny. They really only think like Homer Simpson. I started to go through the above list and then I think he realised that going swimming, isn't just as simple as going swimming. It basically feels like a pulled hamstring and every movement causes twinges of pain. It doesn't make the prospect of doing all the above that appealing.

I have also been doing way too much around the house. Not cleaning but sorting out the spare room and all our junk. It is looking much better now and the furniture will be arriving on Saturday so hopefully over the weekend I can't get it nearly done. Not sure we will move Ellis into the new room just yet. I would prefer for him to be settled in there before Dollop arrives, but we will see.

Dollop is a very quiet baby so far. Not too much kicking or movement. All the kicks are still down towards my bladder, so I hope that changes in the future.

We have the midwife appointment in 10 days. Feels like I haven't seen her for ages. Last time it felt like I was going all the time.

Constipation is a another problem at the moment. I need to try and drink more water and eat a ton of fibre. In fact I'm going to have a bowl of cereal now. I am going to try so hard to eat better. I have just been eating tons of rubbish, putting on excess fat, and basically not looking after myself. But I have also eaten lots of fruit, as I have a bag of crisps, feel guilty and then eat an apple to balance it out! Not really a good idea. Should have just avoided the crisps in the first place. It's so hard though. Putting on excess weight will certainly not help my pelvis as the baby grows, so I need to do something about it now. Having a bad pelvis really slows me down too so not working off the calories as much.

Been feeling rather lethargic over the last 2 days, hope I'm not coming down with something.

Mum's for tea tonight which will be lush, then home to bath Ellis and then I will have a shower and chill in front of the computer. Bliss.

Monday, 9 February 2009



Both Rob and I today said that it is only just sinking in that we are having another baby. Another Ellis, but not. A different baby. We are starting to think about what it might look like?, what will its character be like?

Not too long to find out now, which is scary.

Could really do with moving house in the next month or so but I can't see it happening. Rob suggested we hire people to move our stuff but it will cost quite a bit of money and it would still be a lot of work for me. We are still holding out for the 4 bed detached we like.

Had a yoga session tonight. All the movement woke Dollop up and he kicked and moved like mad. It was well cool. Bump is getting massive now and Rob creamed up my belly last night and he said that it was expanding fast.

Off to bed now as I didn't realise how late it was.

Thursday, 5 February 2009


Here are my 25 week pictures, diary and measurements. I have decided to just do the overall changes in measurements at the end of the pregnancy as I need to sort out what were the original figures.

Here are some alternative bump pictures.

The baby now weighs nearly 1.5 pounds/ 660 grams and is approximately 13.5 inches/ 35 centimetres long from crown to heel. He makes breathing movements but has no air in his lungs yet. At 26 weeks, fetal brain scans show response to touch. If you shine a light on your abdomen, your baby will turn his head, which according to researchers, means his optic nerve is working.

This time...

...last time.


Weight = 12st 6lb
Tummy = 98cm
Upper arm = 29cm
Upper leg = 60cm
Ankle = 23.5cm
Neck = 33cm

Tuesday, 3 February 2009