The midwife phoned back, just after lunch on the same day to tell me that I was immune to Chickenpox and that was that. I already knew from last time anyway but just wanted to double check.
I have been working very hard on getting the boy's rooms ready and I am nearly finished. You wouldn't believe the amount of sorting I have had to do. Although I am not finished I am already feeling more relaxed and happy about stuff in general. I will do a video of the progress and explain what I have done and what still needs to be done.
Mum very kindly came over this morning to hoover the house and I am very grateful for her doing so. I was getting really fed up with seeing all the dust and bits around the house but didn't want to give myself more pelvis pain by trying to clear it all up.
Pelvis hasn't been too bad and I will probably attempt some line dancing tomorrow night.
I have been having some strange muscle pain/pulls in my stomach, but I suppose that is to be expected as they are not where they should be. I need to wear my support again but it has been in the wash. Will be wearing it tomorrow. I don't think all the work on the spare room etc has helped. Also I have had an annoying chesty, tickly cough which has effected the muscles too.
Two days ago my hands were very puffy and my engagement ring was digging in. The following day it was the same so I didn't wear the ring. Woke up today and thought my hands didn't look like man hands, so tried my ring on. It fit fine, so I wore it all day today, which was wicked.
Bump is growing quite quickly and although I know I have put a few extra pounds on, I am still only wearing my size 14 jeans and some normal tops. I have also worn maternity stuff but it is slightly too big.
Since bump is now sticking out more, I have been hitting it on things. Mainly the fridge door, bath, top of cot and door handles. I found a scratch on it yesterday, but I don't know how I got that.
One thing I find really funny with having the bump is trying to pass people in tight spaces. They obviously just don't realise that it doesn't matter which way I turn, they wont be able to pass me. It takes them a minute to work it out before they reverse to let me through. And no I am not the size of a car!
Dollop had a very fidgety day today. He moved and kicked loads throughout the day, which was really nice and I tried to pay attention to all of it.
I think I am at a really good stage in the pregnancy. Aches and pains aren't too bad, I'm not huge and baby moves a lot. I'm really enjoying it now and I hope that continues for quite a while yet.
I am also at the stage where you loose the ability to explain yourself or to use any type of descriptive word in the right way, or at all. It can be funny at times but mostly frustrating. It's in there somewhere but just never comes out. I'm sure Rob would claim, it was never there in the first place!
I feel like the baby is due in a few weeks, but when I work it out, I could have another 15 weeks to go! That is over 3 months! That is ages away but I am already starting to get organised like it is a lot closer than that. I was thinking of doing my hospital bag already!
I've started to read some books about caring for a newborn etc and trying to get my head back into that way of thinking. I'm sure it will all fall into place anyway but I would prefer to be prepared.
At yoga last night, Vivien blew up my exercise ball that I used in labour. As soon as I sat on it, I was flooded with memories. It really freaked me out and I know I need to get my head in the right place again. There is no point trying to ignore the fact that I will more than likely have to go through labour again and hopefully, in a strange way, pass a baby out of my vagina! I really do not want a c-section if I can help it.
Ellis and I have been looking at old videos and pictures of when he was first born. It is so weird looking back and I can't really remember him ever being that small. Even when I was sorting out some of the baby clothes these last few days, I couldn't believe that they were big on him to start with. It's going to be lush to have another little bundle and I can't wait now, getting really excited. I just really want to cherish and remember every moment as I know from experience that it is gone in a blink of an eye.
He was so tiny!There is still lots to do and some things to buy. I have my lists of course.
To buy:
Nappies - Tesco own brand (soft) - size 1 and 2
Coming home outfit
Memorabilia storage box
Play mat
Do, do
Sleeping bag
Plain white baby grows - newborn, one pack of 3
Snuggle blanket
To do:
Go through bibs
Borrow moses basket
Sort out the baby box
Do birth plan (wait until 36 week check)
Book hospital tour
Re-search car seats and purchase
Pick a name
Sort out rooms
Clean seat covers etc
I'm sure there is loads more to do etc but that's it for now.
I would have done a video diary but Rob prefers to read it instead. So this one is for you honey. x