26 weeks today! The time is slipping away very quickly. I know I say that every week and I probably will until Dollop arrives. Then I'll be saying I can't believe Dollop is one month old etc.
Started to look slightly chubby on the arms, face and neck. To be expected I suppose. I have started to eat better again now so hopefully I will curb the excess weight gain.
Ellis has chicken pox so I have phoned the midwife and left a message for her to call me. Just want to check my immunity and to find out if I can catch anything else as I have a very swollen throat and chesty cough, (completely unrelated I'm sure).
Line dance tonight but pelvis still isn't great. Will take me dancing shoes, not boots, and see how I feel later on. I don't want to over do it as I have a busy weekend ahead sorting out the bedrooms. Really excited about doing that though.
Looking forward to seeing Rob and having a cuddle and hopefully watching Dollop move and kick around like he did last night. He went mad! It was lush to watch and it is exactly what I was looking forward to the most about being pregnant. I will try and capture it on video soon and I plan to take the camera to bed with me as this seems to be the time he does it the most. It doesn't keep me awake though.
I can't wait to meet the little guy now but I know he has a lot more cooking to do yet. I just wish, like last time, that my pelvis would be okay. It would be so much easier.
Really enjoying being pregnant though, other than the pelvis thing and I am trying to cherish every good moment as it might be the last time I get to experience it.
Done loads this morning and I'm feeling really chuffed with myself. Might take Ellis out for a walk in a bit as we can't really do anything else due to his chicken pox. But then again that would aggravate my pelvis. Will see later on.
I've noticed that I have started to call Dollop "he" and that I talk about "my boys" already. Denial period is officially over!
Well I am very pleased to hear you calling your little ones by the right way, its nice to have two little lads, you will really enjoy them as they grow, being close in age. Trust me it will be fun. x x x