Tuesday, 31 March 2009


Had a really good day today. Pelvis has been on top form and didn't play up at all, which was the best!

Had my first antenatal class first thing, and I thought it was going to be really boring. It turned out to be really good. It was very informative and I found that I had a lot to give to the group. I also had a lot to ask as this time around is going to be very different from last time. For example, when my waters went last time, I was told that as long as they were clear and I was feeling fine then I should just stay at home and call the midwife in the morning. This time, I have been told to call the midwife/delivery suite as soon as it happens, whatever the time of day. I'm also not allowed to stay at home having contractions either, I have to go in to be monitored. Not what I had in mind but ah well.

I did find out that a manager at the hospital has been trying to set up a room for VBAC (vaginal, birth, after, cesarean) women. It is a delivery room with a few home comforts. I will hopefully get an appointment to see this manager and to discuss my possibilities of having the most active labour possible.

Talking about the labour etc made it very real and memories came flooding back. I must admit a few butterflies appeared in my stomach briefly but it soon passed.

I was used as part of a demonstration too which was quite good, but made me go very red and hot. I had to sit at the front of the room and they used my previous situation of having an emergency c-section to explain how many people might suddenly be around you, when you least expect it. It is a lot.

I'm looking forward to next weeks class now.

Popped to the physio in the afternoon to pick up a new tubigrip thing, but I wont know if it fits until the morning.

Dollop is still moving around and kicking me plenty. He makes me jump sometimes which is really funny. I just wish I could see through my skin so that I would know which way up he is. That does seem to play on my mind quite a lot.

Need to start making some plans soon. I suppose I will wait until after my 36 week scan, but I need to sort child care out for if I go into labour in the middle of night, and if Rob is away what do I do etc. The midwife today said I needed lots of contingency plans and that they should be in place so that I can feel relaxed that everything is taken care of straight away and that I concentrate on being chilled out for my labour, if only.

I want to write more, but it is very late and I'm really tired. I haven't had a nap today and I've been really busy and on a high all day. Really shattered so I hope all the above makes sense as I haven't had a chance to read it back yet or even to make sure that it is English! Will try and do another coherent update soon.

Saturday, 28 March 2009


Did the bump pictures again this week. We took some in the morning but as you can see, Ellis and the reflection from a mirror photo frame got in the way, so we took some more this evening.

Usual front and sucking in pictures too.

Thursday, 26 March 2009


No more acid yet which has been great.

Had my last line dancing class last night and I know I will miss it but my pelvis certainly wont. It has been playing up for a couple of days now and I am trying to nurse it as best I can. Forgot to call the physio so will have to wait until Monday now.

I think I have had a big growth spurt over the last few days. My bump just looks and feels really big. I have had quite a few people mention how large it is and after they have been told I have 8 weeks left, making that face that says, "really? 8 more weeks!, you look like your going to pop!" Will do new bump pictures sometime tomorrow or Saturday morning.

The movements this little bundle makes are amazing. I love it! He does tend to push out quite a lot and that can be uncomfortable but I still wouldn't change it.

I feel extremely grateful to be pregnant and to already have a healthy little boy. I have been reading other blogs where women my age and younger have so many problems getting and staying pregnant and it just makes me realise how lucky I am.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009


For the first time in my life, in the early hours of Monday morning, I was suddenly woken up by a very acid taste in my mouth. At first I thought it was a stomach bug and I sat myself on the loo with a bowl under my chin.

After about an hour of bringing up what felt like pure acid, I went downstairs for a glass of milk and then propped myself up in bed. I fell asleep briefly with my head resting on the headboard, but it wasn't long before I was laid down and in the land of nod again.

The following morning I had a quick read on Babycentre.co.uk and I worked out that I had had acid reflux caused by the baby pushing up against my stomach. This made sense as I knew Dollop was breach on the day it happened.

The following night I still had that feeling of something about to come up into my throat but I managed to keep it down and at my antenatal yoga class, it seemed to go. I think all the stretching and movement helped.

At yoga you sit in birth order going around the room with the person who is going to give birth first, by the door. I have never actually sat by the door before as when I was pregnant with Ellis, I left at the same time as another girl who was slightly ahead of me. The next time I sat in the room, I had Ellis with me. That was very strange. Not this time though. I have been sat by the door for 2 weeks in a row now and I can't quite get my head around it.

I had my midwife appointment yesterday and my Mum came with me as Rob was working. Ellis was on his best behaviour and sat in the buggy watching intently. I gave some blood, received only positive news about previous blood tests, had my tummy measured, blood pressure is up very slightly, fetal heart rate was fine and that was it. When I first laid down on the bed, the midwife said that my bump was all baby. She had a good poke about and said that he was head down but curled up in such a tight ball that his feet were more than likely in his face. Dollop wasn't happy with all the poking and when we went to the shops after, he made me know about it! I have another appointment on the 20th April. I said I didn't mind waiting a bit longer but they said they wanted to see me.

Been very busy today and so I have failed to nurse my pelvis as much as I usually do. This has therefore caused it to hurt. I'm such an idiot and I will never learn. I'm going to phone the physio tomorrow to see if I can pick up a new tubigrip as the one I have isn't quite big enough now. Hopefully she wont need to see me and I can just go and pick it up.

Time is really getting on now and my bump is getting rather large. I love it though. Tonight I have on the very first article of maternity clothing I bought even before I was pregnant with Ellis. It is a blue top from Marks & Spencer and I made my sister (who was pregnant at the time) try it on for me. It is a bit small really but I like it.

I noticed from taking the pictures that my feet are slightly swollen. Last time I had tree trunks for legs and huge chunks of meat for feet. The only benefit to having swollen feet was the lovely foot rubs done by Rob. I hope he does the same this time, and to be fair he has already kind of offered.

I'm officially signed up for Active Birthing classes and I start on 1st April, all being well. I'm quite looking forward to them but I know that it wont be the same as last time. Hopefully I wont be sat by the door! Will miss doing line dancing but pelvis will benefit from the break.

I hope not to get any more acid reflux and I will probably have milk before bed and have 3 pillows to keep my head up a bit.

My antenatal classes start next week. I'm quite looking forward to it and I hope I can find some friends that are in the same boat as me. I know Charlotte is pregnant and although I feel like she isn't that far behind me, she isn't actually due until October so it is quite a way off yet. The time will soon pass and I will be sat with a four month old when Charlotte has hers. Crazy.

Friday, 20 March 2009


31 week bump pictures.

Sucking in, kind of.


I'm not very happy with this video. I am unable to articulate myself and I'm really not sure what I want to say. I just waffle on. It will do though.

Thursday, 19 March 2009


No way am I 31 weeks tomorrow!

Feeling rather good at the moment. Not too many problems with my pelvis and I seem to be sleeping okay. I've worked out that by folding my big pillow in two, that it gives me loads of support and doesn't move around like having 2 separate pillows. Also Rob has started to be a lot more considerate and doesn't try to move me over or squash me.

Weather is still warm and I don't think I am too swollen yet. I'm trying to stay cool as best I can but it is rather difficult when I wear 2 layers of tubigrip, maternity jeans and t-shirt and then I have to run after a toddler too.

Since being in the 3rd trimester I have been feeling really tired again. I take every opportunity to go back to bed in the mornings but sometimes, Ellis just doesn't let me. I really struggle some mornings to even stay awake to do breakfast.

My appetite has diminished too. I'm not really craving anything and I'm certainly not over eating. My sweet tooth has returned though and I would much prefer a chocolate bar over a packet of crisps. I never thought the day would come.

My nipples this time are very different. They must have been through hell with breastfeeding Ellis as now, if I catch them with a towel, they end up splitting and cracking away from my skin! It is very painful but I put some cream on and they seem to fix over night. I am definitely going to have to be more careful with them and pat dry like the books say. Hopefully Dollop will be good at feeding straight away so I wont have to be ripped to shreds. Lansinoh is a God send!

I have been attending antenatal yoga since October and now the time has come for me to go to the active birthing classes. Rob has kindly agreed to get home earlier so that I can. Uncle Dave will cover the 30 minute gap from when I need to leave, to when Rob gets back.

I'm really looking forward to it as my head is not in the correct place at all. I have totally convinced myself that I will be subjected to another c-section and will end up feeling horrid for weeks, will struggle to take care of Ellis and I wont be able to drive! I am hoping that in the 8 weeks or so that I will be going, that Vivien can make me have a more positive outlook on the birth. It worked last time so fingers crossed.

I will be attending the class on a Wednesday evening which clashes with my line dancing night. Therefore I will be doing antenatal yoga on Monday night, active birthing classes on Wednesday night and will only be going to the line dances which happen every 2nd Friday of the month. Only 2 of them to go then! Probably not a bad thing to give my pelvis a rest anyway.

Dollop has been going crazy in my tummy today. He has just been moving non stop. Yesterday however, I had to really concentrate to see if I could feel him move at all. He seems to have one day on and one day off. I love it though as it is all kicks and prods which you can clearly feel and see. I have been sharing the movements with Mum, Karen and Kate today which was really nice.

Bump was quite low today too. He seems to change position on a daily basis. I'm not sure when that will stop although most books/websites say that the baby should be in the head down position ready for birth at around 32 weeks. One week to go.

Have some brilliant news - my friend Charlotte is 12 weeks pregnant today! Hurrah! Congratulations guys, and I'm so pleased you joined the club. We just have to convince the others now! Charlotte is also doing a blog which you can see here http://moreteamchallis.blogspot.com/

Well, I have been blogging for 2 hours and more and Dollop has been kicking me the whole time. I'm going to go and chill out for 30 minutes before going to my lovely bed.

Sunday, 15 March 2009



Saturday, 14 March 2009


Been feeling fine, although pelvis pain has kicked up a gear the last couple of days. I seem to be coping with it okay and I am trying really hard to remember to do all my exercises and how to sit properly.

Went to a line dance last night in a size 12 Oasis top and it just fit! It was well cool. The line dancing didn't hurt me too much at the time but I've been feeling it today.

Dollop is fidgeting loads and loads and I'm constantly being prodded here, there and everywhere. So different from Ellis and it's just so exciting to see it moving all the time. Even when I was dancing I could feel it moving and pushing outwards. Can't wait to meet the little guy.

Sleeping has become more difficult too. Been finding it harder to find a comfortable position and turning over with a sore pelvis isn't easy either.

Still loving every minute and trying to take it all in. I also try to get Ellis involved as much as possible. He daily says hello to baby and gives my belly a kiss. Yesterday he even gently stroked my tummy and rubbed some cream into it. I have also showed him pictures of a baby in a belly and tried to tell him that it is the same as my belly. Not sure he actually "gets" it but at least I'm trying. I want to find a really nice present for him, from his baby brother for when we get home from the hospital.

Rob took the usual bump pictures and did my measurements.

How Dollop is doing:

The baby's lungs and digestive tract are almost fully developed. While the baby may soon slow up growing in length, (he measures about 15.7 inches/ 40 centimetres from crown to toe by now), he will continue to gain weight until he's born.

This week the baby continues to open and shut his eyes. He can probably see what's going on in utero, distinguish light from dark and even track a light source. If you shine a light on your stomach, the baby may move his head to follow the light or even reach out to touch the moving glow. Some researchers think baring your stomach to light stimulates visual development. But don't expect 20/20 vision when the baby is born -- newborns can see a distance of only about 8 to 12 inches/ 20 to 30 centimetres. (Children with normal vision don't reach 20/20 vision until about age 7 to 9.) To complete the picture, your baby now has eyebrows and eyelashes.

A pint and a half/ around a litre of amniotic fluid now surrounds the baby but that volume decreases as he gets bigger and has less room in your uterus. As you and the baby continue to grow, don't be alarmed if you feel as if you can't get enough air, it's just your uterus pressing against your diaphragm.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. At about 34 weeks (or just before birth, if this is your second or third pregnancy), your baby's head will move down into your pelvis as the baby gets into the right position for birth. That will make breathing and eating a lot easier

30 weeks this time...

...30 weeks last time.


Weight = 13st
Tummy = 104cm
Upper arm = 29cm
Upper leg = 61.5cm
Ankle = 24cm
Neck = 33cm

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Tuesday, 10 March 2009


The biggest movement is around the 2 minute mark.

Friday, 6 March 2009


Rob took the bump pictures today and I did the usual forward facing and sucking in poses.

As you can see from the sucking in picture, the front of my bump is rather flat. When I was pregnant with Ellis I had exactly the same thing. It isn't always like that as I suppose it depends on the position that Dollop is in. Seeing as Ellis was constantly breach, I would guess that Dollop is too currently.

Dollop is very different to Ellis though. Ellis used to roll, side to side and all his kicks and stuff used to be felt inwards, if that makes sense.

Dollop on the other hand, goes around and around. I feel him spinning about and I get the proper prods and kicks that I thought I would have felt in the first pregnancy. I'm really enjoying it and Rob had a good feel of all the movements tonight, and he was quite surprised by it. It's nice as it is something new from last time.

Thursday, 5 March 2009


Just a few more wiggles.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009


Managed to capture a bit of movement today. The video is quite long and if you blink you will miss it, but it is a good record for me.

Monday, 2 March 2009


Last night Rob stuck his mouth over my belly button and had a chat with Dollop, who promptly did a massive kick! Rob could actually feel and even see the kicking this time which was nice.

Rob said to me, "your good at growing babies aren't you? Your like my little growbag." Ah how sweet!

Sunday, 1 March 2009


Woke up this morning, feeling fine. Had a very early night and managed to sleep reasonably well for me, especially as Rob was home too.

Boobs have now started to leak during the day. It is nothing major and I wont be needing any pads. My nipples also sting quite a bit too, which I suppose is all to do with the milk ducts and stuff.

Still loving being pregnant but finding it harder to be active. I just can't bend anymore! With Ellis I could still bend over at this stage but with Dollop I cannot bend in the middle. I love my bump though. It is a nice size and seems to stick out more than Ellis did. I was definitely more rounded all over last time.

He is quite an active chappy now. I regularly feel him moving around and making my belly wobble like a bowl of jelly. I'm sure there are some little feet sticking up towards my ribs. Will really try to get a video of it soon but it just happens at times when I am not set up and ready for it.

Rob has printed off a check-list for doing my hospital bag. Having the pains yesterday did make me realise that it could potentially happen at any point, and I am so not prepared. I don't think Rob even knows where I keep my hospital notes. We do need to be slightly more organised this time as we need to think about Ellis too. Sharon, Naomi and Sally have all agreed to go on my phone list for calling them at 3am to help out. Although Sally said she would like to be number 2 on the list ;o)

Need to sort out a birthing plan too but I'm going to wait until after the 36 week scan as the decisions may be taken out of my hands anyway. I'm trying to come up with a list of questions for the consultant too.

Was just lying down trying to feel what position Dollop is in, and I worked it out to be head up under my ribs, back and bum down my right hand side and feet curled up around by my belly button. This is the same position that Ellis was in, for a very long time, apart from he ran down my left side. Apparently the position of the baby is decided by DNA, among other things. I was breech, Ellis was breech and my cousin was breech too. Might do a bit of reading about it all.

Just found this info:

Most babies are born headfirst, but at the end of pregnancy, around 3% to 4% are found to be breech. Before 37 weeks of pregnancy, breech presentation is much more common - about 20% of babies at 28 weeks are breech, and 15% at 32 weeks. Before term, which is defined as 37 weeks, it doesn't matter if the baby is breech, as there is always a good chance that she will turn spontaneously. Some babies do turn by themselves after this time, but it is much less likely, and some preparations should be made to decide how delivery is going to take place. About 10% to 15% of breech babies are discovered for the first time late in labour!

This was on the BBC website:

Some babies are born bottom-first because of genetic traits inherited from either their mother or father, Norwegian researchers have said.

Fewer than one in 20 is delivered this way up, but a natural breech birth carries extra risks to the child.

A study of 387,000 births, in the British Medical Journal, found a baby had double the chance of being breech if their mother or father was too.

Will just have to wait and see, and maybe I should stop poking poor little Dollop, who is trying to sleep.