Sunday, 1 March 2009


Woke up this morning, feeling fine. Had a very early night and managed to sleep reasonably well for me, especially as Rob was home too.

Boobs have now started to leak during the day. It is nothing major and I wont be needing any pads. My nipples also sting quite a bit too, which I suppose is all to do with the milk ducts and stuff.

Still loving being pregnant but finding it harder to be active. I just can't bend anymore! With Ellis I could still bend over at this stage but with Dollop I cannot bend in the middle. I love my bump though. It is a nice size and seems to stick out more than Ellis did. I was definitely more rounded all over last time.

He is quite an active chappy now. I regularly feel him moving around and making my belly wobble like a bowl of jelly. I'm sure there are some little feet sticking up towards my ribs. Will really try to get a video of it soon but it just happens at times when I am not set up and ready for it.

Rob has printed off a check-list for doing my hospital bag. Having the pains yesterday did make me realise that it could potentially happen at any point, and I am so not prepared. I don't think Rob even knows where I keep my hospital notes. We do need to be slightly more organised this time as we need to think about Ellis too. Sharon, Naomi and Sally have all agreed to go on my phone list for calling them at 3am to help out. Although Sally said she would like to be number 2 on the list ;o)

Need to sort out a birthing plan too but I'm going to wait until after the 36 week scan as the decisions may be taken out of my hands anyway. I'm trying to come up with a list of questions for the consultant too.

Was just lying down trying to feel what position Dollop is in, and I worked it out to be head up under my ribs, back and bum down my right hand side and feet curled up around by my belly button. This is the same position that Ellis was in, for a very long time, apart from he ran down my left side. Apparently the position of the baby is decided by DNA, among other things. I was breech, Ellis was breech and my cousin was breech too. Might do a bit of reading about it all.

Just found this info:

Most babies are born headfirst, but at the end of pregnancy, around 3% to 4% are found to be breech. Before 37 weeks of pregnancy, breech presentation is much more common - about 20% of babies at 28 weeks are breech, and 15% at 32 weeks. Before term, which is defined as 37 weeks, it doesn't matter if the baby is breech, as there is always a good chance that she will turn spontaneously. Some babies do turn by themselves after this time, but it is much less likely, and some preparations should be made to decide how delivery is going to take place. About 10% to 15% of breech babies are discovered for the first time late in labour!

This was on the BBC website:

Some babies are born bottom-first because of genetic traits inherited from either their mother or father, Norwegian researchers have said.

Fewer than one in 20 is delivered this way up, but a natural breech birth carries extra risks to the child.

A study of 387,000 births, in the British Medical Journal, found a baby had double the chance of being breech if their mother or father was too.

Will just have to wait and see, and maybe I should stop poking poor little Dollop, who is trying to sleep.

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