Thursday, 29 October 2009


Monthly pictures, there are a couple of different ones from the main blog.

5 months old! I can't believe where the time has gone. Babies don't stay babies for long. I think if you stared at them long enough you would actually see them grow!

I couldn't pick a favourite 5 month picture as they were all pretty good. His hair looks orange in a lot of the pictures but it isn't, not that there is anything wrong with having orange hair.

He is really getting around now and doesn't stay still for 5 minutes. At this age you could plonk Ellis anywhere and know he would still be in the same position when you got back. Not with Leo.

Leo loves playing with his feet. He actually can get quite frustrated if he can't reach them. He constantly has cold feet as I have to leave his socks off.

I was going to do my measurements and stuff but I decided against it. Not sure why, probably cause I can't be bothered. I do know that my boobs have gone down as tops are fitting me slightly better. My fat jeans are starting to get a lot looser too so things are heading in the right direction. I weighed a few days ago and was 12st 1lb so only 8lbs to go to pre pregnancy weight. I'm not all that worried about it as long as I can fit into something nice for my Christmas meals I have planned.

Went to the hospital again on Tuesday to get my bits examined again. He said there was a very, very small bit of scar tissue left but couldn't understand why it was still so tender. I expect it's just me being a baby. He burnt it off again and then said he would leave me with an open appointment to come back and see him if ever I wanted to. Sounds good to me. Hopefully things can get back to normal now.

I think I only have one more physio appointment too which is great. It's all been going on for so long now, well 5 months so far, that I can't wait for it all to be done. I wonder if I will ever go through it all again. Maybe not.

My friend Tilly had her baby boy by c-section on Wednesday. Noah Clifford William Gill, 8lb 15 1/2 oz joins his big brother Ethan. I can't wait to see them but I have been struck down with a horrid head cold so think I should give them some space for a bit. Not like me I know as I am first in the queue to see new babies normally.

Due next is my friend Annette, then Sharon and then Sandra. Expensive times ahead ;o)

Leo is a brilliant baby, so much fun and so smiley. He is totally a Mummy's boy but I think that is because he hasn't been handed around as much as Ellis was. I pretty much keep hold of him, unless off loading on to poor Sally, or I'm feeding him. I think I always pass him to Sally as she generally looks the most comfortable with him. She may feel differently though. I've always trusted Sally with my kids and I think it's because I've pretty much followed her lead on a lot of things with raising them. Feeding techniques, nap times, groups, things I do with them etc. If it wasn't for Sally in the first place I never would have met my Mummy friends who have supported me and helped me through the last 2 and a bit years. Thank you Sally - don't cry! x

Saturday, 10 October 2009


It's been a while since I did a growing dollop entry. I think I may have to wind it down as I just don't have the time to do both blogs. I will still use this as an outlet for stuff I wouldn't put on the other blog though.

Leo is 21 weeks and 2 days old. He will be 5 calendar months on Monday and I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by. One more month and I will be weaning him already.

He has now sat in his high chair properly. The first time was when we were on holiday but I'm not counting that one.

Also on holiday he had his feet dunked in the sea after playing in the sand for a bit.

He is really starting to get around. He wriggles and pushes his bum up in the air which is the starting position of crawling. He can almost pull himself forward and if he catches his feet right on the floor he can do a little push too. He moves around a lot more than Ellis did at this age.

He is really good at reaching out and grabbing things and everything has to go in his mouth. Like today he was sat in a walker with a toy in front of him that has levers that he can pull etc that make a noise; at the same age, within 5 minutes, Ellis had worked out how to pull the lever to make the noise and lights work. Leo on the other hand just face planted and tried to suck it all to death.

He also dribbles like you cannot believe! He gets soaked every day. I have to change his bib regularly and sometimes his top and vest too. He has a little white dot of a tooth but that is as far as it has got. Ellis had 2 teeth by now.

He loves the door bouncer and is really starting to get the hang of it.

His right eye is still a bit gummy but I'm sure it will get better on its own. He also still has a little bit of cradle cap but you can't see it and it hasn't started to flake off.

He definitely has his favourite toys. He loves the little green shaker, and elastic ball with wooden coloured balls on it. I've recently started to try and sit him up more. His chair is quite up-right and I have to strap him in. He loves sitting up. The high chair is good too as he watches Ellis and I potter around the kitchen and he sits to the table with us when we are eating.

I realised recently that I hadn't tried a bottle for a while so I defrosted some milk and gave it A go. He did really well, even holding it himself, but I did need to buy new teats that flowed faster.

Rob and I need to work out and practice the logistics of him having the 2 boys on his own and feeding Leo as I would like to get out on my own soon. I need to get some exercise!

I really would like to have more of a set routine with Leo. It worked so well with Ellis that I think it would be good for him too. It's just tricky trying to work it all out. He did sleep for an hour and half this morning which really surprised me but I still haven't worked out what works for him. The bath time thing is a struggle and I need to get my head around that soon.

Sleeping is a nightmare! He really isn't sleeping well at night at all. Last night he woke every hour and a quarter and it wasn't even as though he needed to feed. I cuddled him and he went back to sleep. I think I just need to stick with it for now and hope that things improve when he goes into his own room. I never wanted to get into the routine of bringing him in bed with me but needs must as I have to get some rest before the day begins. I get so irritated with him in the night but when he wakes up in the morning with his amazing smile, my heart melts and I just end up infatuated again. A Mother's love.

As for me, I seem to be finally getting over the birth. My bits aren't stinging anymore which is great news and I have, hopefully, my final check-up at the hospital on Tuesday. I had a physio appointment Monday just gone and it was all good news. She examined me and checked my pelvic floor muscle. That was one of the strangest things I have experienced. Basically my pelvic floor muscle is very normal and my prolapsed bladder is so minimal it isn't even worth worrying about. She said it is very supported and when I cough or sneeze my muscle is pulling it up, which it is supposed to do. Wicked!

I also feel like the fog is lifting a little. I'm starting to feel like I can cope with a lot more. I've been doing quite well anyway I think. Since Leo was born I have done all of Ellis' classes and fitted in some classes for Leo, I've still been seeing all my Mummy groups, manged to go on holiday and maintain the blogs. The house on the other hand is in need of a major spring clean.

My weight has dropped recently by a couple of pounds, 12st 2lbs is my lightest but I haven't been doing too well with my eating since my holiday so I suspect I've put it back on now. No worries.

Hair is still falling out and I had quite a bit cut off recently so I have a lot less than I used to. I hope I don't go bald.

I will try and do measurements and weight for the 5 month post. Can't wait for Christmas, I just hope I can get organised in time.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009


Charlotte gave birth to her little girl last night. Honour Joy, 8lb 15oz. I can't wait to see them and to hear Charlotte's birth story. It sounds like it was a golden ticket.

I was at the hospital today with Ellis so I dropped off a bag of presents and a card. Charlotte is in the same room as I was with Leo and looking through the window I found I had very strange feelings. I could really remember what it was like, giving Leo his first bath, making tea in the dining room, the trips to NICU, having visitors, being on my iPhone talking to everyone about my little Angel, and just generally feeling excited. One thing I didn't feel was that I wanted to be there again.

In my last post I said that Leo moves fast and will grab your cup and fill your lap with drink if your not careful. Well that happened today to Sally. She was holding him for me so I could eat my bacon sarni when he grabbed her cup of tea and pulled it over. It went into her lap. She did get a nice fresh cup of tea though.

Leo's tummy time is turning into moving time. He isn't crawling obviously but he is able to pull himself around slightly to each side. It helps if he grabs the side of his mat but he is doing really well and I'm sure he will be moving about a bit by Christmas.

Really pleased for Charlotte and I can't wait to see them.

Monday, 5 October 2009


I've been struggling to maintain my blogs at the moment, hence why I haven't posted about Leo turning 4 months old yet.

Here are the pictures. A lot of this is on my other blog so sorry about that.

I also have pictures of Ellis at 4 months old.

Leo is growing and changing every day. He still isn't in any type of routine which is a shame as I know it would benefit him and the rest of us, it also makes it difficult to actually leave him with anyone.

He can move fast! He really is doing well with co-ordination. He reaches out and grabs things without hesitation. Ellis used to take ages so you could have a drink and put it down before he even got close. With Leo you have to make sure he is out of the way as he grabs the cup very quickly and you end up with a lap full of drink.

He has tummy time often as he is always rolling over now. He stays there and then complains that he doesn't like it. I think he may well be moving around by Christmas.

He is a my little chatterbox just like his Mummy.

He very rarely sleeps during the day but I recently sat holding him so he would and I managed to get some video of him sleeping. The only problem was that I couldn't actually do anything.

I realised something recently. I don't have bump envy. I remember after having Ellis, very quickly I wanted to be pregnant again and I missed my bump and I missed the attention you get for having a bump, I missed feeling him move inside, I missed everything and if I saw a pregnant lady I would be envious. Maybe it's too soon or something but I just don't feel like that this time. I do miss feeling Leo move inside but that's about it. Maybe it has something to do with my bits too, I don't know. Rob may be in luck and I might just be happy with my 2 boys, time will tell.

I went back to the hospital on Saturday morning to have what I thought would be my last check-up about my bits. I was wrong. He had a look and decided that I needed some more scar tissue burned off. It hurt way more than before and I squeezed the nurses hand really hard! The doctor did mention a small surgery but I'm hoping it wont come to that. I have another appointment on 27th October which I have to go to on my own with Leo, I'm hoping Mummy friends will have Ellis for me. ;o)

Leo's hair is very blonde and growing okay at the moment. I say that because he has a double crown and I'm not sure how it's going to turn out. Hopefully not like Ellis' which is a nightmare!

Titch being shy.

I'll leave it there. I could go on and on but I need to switch off from babies for an hour before bed.