
5 months old! I can't believe where the time has gone. Babies don't stay babies for long. I think if you stared at them long enough you would actually see them grow!
I couldn't pick a favourite 5 month picture as they were all pretty good. His hair looks orange in a lot of the pictures but it isn't, not that there is anything wrong with having orange hair.
He is really getting around now and doesn't stay still for 5 minutes. At this age you could plonk Ellis anywhere and know he would still be in the same position when you got back. Not with Leo.
Leo loves playing with his feet. He actually can get quite frustrated if he can't reach them. He constantly has cold feet as I have to leave his socks off.
I was going to do my measurements and stuff but I decided against it. Not sure why, probably cause I can't be bothered. I do know that my boobs have gone down as tops are fitting me slightly better. My fat jeans are starting to get a lot looser too so things are heading in the right direction. I weighed a few days ago and was 12st 1lb so only 8lbs to go to pre pregnancy weight. I'm not all that worried about it as long as I can fit into something nice for my Christmas meals I have planned.
Went to the hospital again on Tuesday to get my bits examined again. He said there was a very, very small bit of scar tissue left but couldn't understand why it was still so tender. I expect it's just me being a baby. He burnt it off again and then said he would leave me with an open appointment to come back and see him if ever I wanted to. Sounds good to me. Hopefully things can get back to normal now.
I think I only have one more physio appointment too which is great. It's all been going on for so long now, well 5 months so far, that I can't wait for it all to be done. I wonder if I will ever go through it all again. Maybe not.
My friend Tilly had her baby boy by c-section on Wednesday. Noah Clifford William Gill, 8lb 15 1/2 oz joins his big brother Ethan. I can't wait to see them but I have been struck down with a horrid head cold so think I should give them some space for a bit. Not like me I know as I am first in the queue to see new babies normally.
Due next is my friend Annette, then Sharon and then Sandra. Expensive times ahead ;o)
Leo is a brilliant baby, so much fun and so smiley. He is totally a Mummy's boy but I think that is because he hasn't been handed around as much as Ellis was. I pretty much keep hold of him, unless off loading on to poor Sally, or I'm feeding him. I think I always pass him to Sally as she generally looks the most comfortable with him. She may feel differently though. I've always trusted Sally with my kids and I think it's because I've pretty much followed her lead on a lot of things with raising them. Feeding techniques, nap times, groups, things I do with them etc. If it wasn't for Sally in the first place I never would have met my Mummy friends who have supported me and helped me through the last 2 and a bit years. Thank you Sally - don't cry! x