Charlotte gave birth to her little girl last night. Honour Joy, 8lb 15oz. I can't wait to see them and to hear Charlotte's birth story. It sounds like it was a golden ticket.
I was at the hospital today with Ellis so I dropped off a bag of presents and a card. Charlotte is in the same room as I was with Leo and looking through the window I found I had very strange feelings. I could really remember what it was like, giving Leo his first bath, making tea in the dining room, the trips to NICU, having visitors, being on my iPhone talking to everyone about my little Angel, and just generally feeling excited. One thing I didn't feel was that I wanted to be there again.
In my last post I said that Leo moves fast and will grab your cup and fill your lap with drink if your not careful. Well that happened today to Sally. She was holding him for me so I could eat my bacon sarni when he grabbed her cup of tea and pulled it over. It went into her lap. She did get a nice fresh cup of tea though.
Leo's tummy time is turning into moving time. He isn't crawling obviously but he is able to pull himself around slightly to each side. It helps if he grabs the side of his mat but he is doing really well and I'm sure he will be moving about a bit by Christmas.
Really pleased for Charlotte and I can't wait to see them.
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