Tuesday, 10 November 2009


Things are moving along and life has become easier. Not easy but easier. It took me 5 months to get used to things with Ellis and it has again taken me 5 months to get used to having 2 babies.

Leo is really getting around the living room now but can only roll one way which can cause him to get a little frustrated at times.

His eye is still sticky and I think it may be slightly infected at the moment. I might have to get some drops from the doctor.

His hair is growing nicely and not sticking up just yet. It actually lies quite flat so he may not have the Ellis Mohawk.

He regularly naps in his room now. Usually around 10:30am, sometimes around 2pm and sometimes later again too. In the last few days he has been having longer naps in the morning, up to 2 hours sometimes which is nice.

He has a bad tummy at the moment. Constantly doing little deposits in his nappy that make his bum very sore straight away. It means that I am constantly changing him, even during the night.

He has 2 teeth that are properly sticking through the gums and when he smiles it seems so strange seeing them already.

It is soon that time to start weaning. Half way through Leo's first year already! I have started to do some vegetables, carrot, suede and butternut squash so far. I have apples and pears to do in the next few days and then what I'm going to do is see what he is having for the week and just prepare that rather than doing huge batches of food. I'll see how that works to start with. It's weird but I'm actually looking forward to giving him some food. Not sure why.

As for me, things down below seem to have settled down to their new normal and I feel better. The last couple of days I've done a bit of jogging, not out and about but through the leisure centre to get Mum's towel and around a shop the other day, and I'm finding that my pelvis feels stronger and more up to the job. This is a good sign and hopefully I can start exercising soon. We have ordered a Wii Fit so that I can do some at home and also when I went swimming with the boys yesterday I did a few lengths. I hope to increase the number of lengths over time.

Leo is wearing size 6-9 month clothes but his grows are starting to get a bit short on him. The clothes seem to fit him much better than Ellis because his proportions are different. His legs and arms are longer and his body seems a normal length. Ellis had/has shorter arms and legs and a long body, and he was more rotund.

I'm loving being a mother of 2. It is hard work, and pretty constant but I really enjoy any down time I get as it is so precious. I could go out more on the evenings I'm sure but I don't really want to. I'm quite happy being at home, watching my TV stuff, blogging, reading, eating rubbish etc etc. I can't think of anything I would rather be doing with my life.

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