Wednesday, 26 May 2010


Wow that year has flown by. It's been hard, thrilling, exciting, loving, emotional, chaotic and lots of other things, but I do love being a Mummy of 2 boys. They are the best thing ever!

I still haven't lost all the baby weight, in fact I got to within 3 lbs of my target and put it all back on again! To say I'm annoyed is an understatement. Not really loving my post Leo body but I hope to be doing something about that very soon.

I haven't done my measurements and I don't think I ever will so that's that.

I still think about Leo's birth a lot and quite often look back at all the old videos and pictures, including the birth itself which I am so pleased we caught on camera. It still amazes me that I did it!

The journey started in August 2008 when we started to try to conceive Dollop. We were very lucky and it took us 2 months. I went from this...

0 weeks this

12 weeks

...then this

20 weeks

...and finally, this.

Then on the 25th May at midday I started to have contractions. (This is me in very early labour at my Mum's house celebrating my 30th birthday!).

We eventually went to the hospital at about 10:30pm and I was soon in active labour. At the point of this picture I had just been told I was 9cm dilated and started pushing 45 minutes later.

Then after an hour of seriously hard pushing my little Leo entered the world at 5:29am on 26th May 2009, my 30th birthday.

Within an hour I had had a bath and Rob dressed Leo.

And we were eventually taken down to the ward.

Not long after Ellis joined us and we were finally a family of 4.

After a week stay at hospital we were home and settling in to the new normal. I took monthly pictures of my growing cutie pie and this is the results of the last 12 months.

This is Ellis at 1.

This is some other 1 year pictures that I took.

I'm so in love with my boys, it's crazy! I never want to forget or miss any moment I have with them. They are my life and always will be.

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