Went to see Jaidan today and her new baby boy, not yet named. He was so tiny and cute. I don't remember Ellis being that small, ever, because I think you are just so busy trying to recover and get through each day.

Plus to start with, it is just a baby and you are just doing a job and trying to get as much rest as possible. I would like to think that I skip that part and move straight on to bonding with my new son/daughter. I think it's easier when their little characters start to show though.

Seeing Jaidan in pain from her c-section certainly brought back memories. It was awful. I couldn't walk, get up or down, move in bed or do anything really. It isn't the best way to start motherhood, or the first few weeks of your newborns life.

I can't wait to have another baby but I realise it will be very different this time and much harder with Ellis too. He is a really good boy but I can see from my visit today, that it will certainly be very hectic.

I am sure I am going to go for a natural birth now. I just think the recovery time after is so much better. I might not be able to sit down comfortably for a bit but it will be much better than recovering from a c-section.

Jaidan is at that point in breast feeding, where when they first latch on it really hurts and makes your toes curl under. It lasted for about 3 days for me. I was hoping next time would be easier but Debs and Jaidan have both said that it is just as hard. Ah well, I know what to expect.

Davina McCall on Big Brother just said Dollop! Then she said she loves that word, DOLLOP! Might be a sign!