Thursday, 30 April 2009


I have been such an idiot! I was all cocky that my pelvis had been fine and I suppose I haven't been nursing it as much. I haven't been watching how I get in and out the car, I've crawled around the floor after Ellis and just generally been acting like there is nothing wrong.

Last night at my active labour class, I topped it off but gloating that I didn't really feel all that pregnant and that I was able to turn over in bed okay still etc, etc. There was the obvious jokes made about my size, i.e. how on Earth could I not feel pregnant! I then decided I wanted to sit on the floor. Forgetting obviously that I am now very pregnant, I just slipped off my ball and sat awkwardly on the floor, at which point my pelvis went twang! I didn't make a sound, or even a face, I just sat there thinking what a stupid thing to have done.

This morning, I am very tired as I had pain throughout the night and I am unable to walk very well this morning. So much for going to a line dance tomorrow night. I shall be resting and nursing my pelvis as much as possible and hopefully in a couple of days it will be better. I think Dollop has moved too so maybe there is extra pressure on it from him.

The active birth class was great. I had such a laugh and a good chat about loads of stuff. Nicky came with Harry and we chatted through her birth story. It was a tough night for her but she made it through okay and seemed alright about having had another c-section. Harry was so cute and I even had a cuddle, which I normally don't do.

Sophie from the group, lives around the corner so she actually picked me and drove. We chatted non stop all the way there and back.

I picked up a Chinese dinner on the way home and tucked into it straight away.

I then asked Rob to read 2 pages from a pregnancy book, but for some reason he couldn't seem to manage it.

Feeling tired and big today but I'm really looking forward to going out with the girls for a meal tonight.

Wednesday, 29 April 2009


I thought I didn't have too much to talk about for this video diary but I obvioulsy did as I had to do it in 2 videos! The third video is just a little one. Sorry that it sounds so miserable all the time but it's just my thoughts and feelings at the time.

I'm still crunching away on pints of crushed ice. I love it!

Sunday, 26 April 2009


Up early this morning and feeling a bit strange. It started yesterday and I think I figured out why. I think Dollop has twisted around and is laid on my back. It has been making me feel rather queer for a couple of days now. I've done all I can to make him move but he isn't budging.

With his new position comes lower back ache. Not very nice and quite hard work when you have a toddler to take care of too.

Done the bump pictures this morning but I think I look awful, especially in the forward facing picture, so I haven't posted it. My face is well puffy! I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that it's just water retention. I was so wrong last time!

Can't stop thinking about labour, birth, recovery, taking care of baby, what's going to happen etc. I must admit I'm feeling rather scared and worried at the moment. My life is about to change all over again, for the rest of my life! I'm excited and happy too but mainly scared at the moment. I suppose that's because it is all so close.

My hospital bag is 90% done now which is good. There are a few things missing but they aren't essential as such. The cameras aren't ready yet which is quite important so will try and do them tomorrow. The rest can just be bought in by Rob after.

Struggling a bit at the moment but I am sure that will pass. Have quite a lot on next week so tons to take my mind of things and to have a good time too. Yoga Monday, Nothing Tuesday, Active Birth Wednesday, out with the girls for a meal Thursday, line dance Friday then we have a partner workshop on Saturday for the active birthing class and a children's party on Sunday. I will then be 37 weeks + 2 days! Time is flying!

I will probably end up going over by 12 days by saying this but I just have a feeling that Dollop is going to come early. I don't know by how much but I just think he will. We really need to sort out a name soon as I don't want to be sending messages out to people saying baby is born. I want him to have an identity. I have 2 names that I really like. One is a bit riskier than the other but Rob doesn't like either. I don't know how were going to solve the issue as we never make the time to discuss it properly.

I need to get my positive head back on. Just need to find it. Some decent sleep might help but I'm sure that is about to become an every day occurrence.

Thursday, 23 April 2009


The last few days have really taken it out of me. My head feels like it is about to explode. I really think I need to turn off for a while or hit the refresh button or something.

I was going to do a video diary as there is so much to talk about but I thought I might just waffle on too much so it will be easier to keep to the point if I'm typing it all out.

I think I have already mentioned that I started to wash the baby clothes. Here is a video of it all, and thanks to my Mum for ironing everything for me! xxx

Monday morning I completed my birth plan, with the help of Vivien my yoga and active birthing teacher, and this is it:

Michelle (MUSH) George’s Birth Plan

In preparation for this birth, I have attended active labour classes. I would prefer to have an active birth – moving around, kneeling, using my birthing ball etc. My preference is for as natural a birth as possible. Nevertheless, I understand that I may require pain relief and/or medical intervention if the birth is difficult.

I would like my husband Rob to accompany and support me throughout my labour.

I would like to avoid lying on my back. If I need to lie down, I would like it to be on my side if possible. Please can the lights be kept subdued throughout, including after the birth.

I would prefer not to have internal examinations. If an examination is required, I would like it to be carried out in the position that I am in at the time, where possible.

For natural pain relief, I plan to use breathing techniques, a TENS machine, a heat pack and massage etc. I am happy to try gas and air. Please do NOT offer me any other medical pain relief unless I ask for it.

If an epidural becomes necessary I would like it to be as low a dose as possible so that I can continue to feel my legs and be aware of contractions. I would prefer for it to wear off for the second stage as I would like to be able to push my baby out myself.

I would like intervention in the birth to be kept as minimal as safety allows, with foetal monitoring that enables me to remain active and mobile. If any medical intervention is necessary, I would like to be clearly informed of the benefits, the risks and the alternatives so I can make informed decisions with my husband.

If Oxytocin is needed during the labour I would still like to be able to move around, so please use a long tube and attach the drip to my arm as opposed to my hand.

I would prefer for my baby to be delivered onto the floor/bed in front of me to allow me to bring him to my skin myself.

It is my intention to breastfeed and I wish to do so as soon as possible. I would like to try to breastfeed without assistance and will ask if I require any help.

My husband and I would like to spend some quiet time alone with our baby as soon as is safely possible.

Third Stage of Labour

I would prefer to have an unassisted third stage of labour and Rob would like to cut the umbilical cord once it has stopped pulsating. However, if the midwife feels that it is necessary, or if I feel too exhausted to deliver the placenta naturally, then I would like to wait until the umbilical cord has stopped pulsating and been cut, before the injection is administered.

My preference is for our baby to be administered with the vitamin K injection.

Cesarean Section

I would prefer not to have a screen obscuring the delivery.

I would like the umbilical cord to be clamped as far away as possible from our baby to allow him to benefit from the cord blood.

I would like to be handed my baby as soon as possible and I am happy for him to be cleaned up later.

I would like to be talked through the cesarean procedure while it is happening to allow me understand what is being done.

At my midwife appointment in the afternoon, I showed her the above and all she said was, I should keep an open mind.

Blood pressure reading was 132/78 which was up again from the previous appointment, and my bump was measuring slightly under at 34cm, instead of just over 35cm. The midwife had a feel and said she was sure he was head down. I even had a feel myself and I was in agreement that I could feel a neck and shoulder shape down on my right hand side. We heard the heartbeat again but it wasn't as loud as I have heard it before.

My blood test results were in, and apparently according to the midwife, I am disgustingly healthy and that the results were very good. Of course I immediately got on the phone to tell Rob.

In the evening I went to my yoga class and felt really energetic. I had a really good work out and a laugh at Vivien's expense.

Tuesday was a busy day and it didn't start all that well. Rob was home and I dragged him along to the last antenatal class which was about when the baby comes home. It was rubbish to say the least and Rob said that it was the biggest waste of his life ever. The only good thing that happened was that I exchanged numbers with a few ladies and we arranged to meet up the following Tuesday. I will ask if they can do Monday afternoons as this would be a lot easier for me.

When we arrived home, Ellis hadn't been to sleep and I knew that he would be a handful for Sharon who was looking after him in the afternoon. So this would mean putting him down in Sophie's bed.

We stuffed some lunch in and shipped Ellis off to Sharon's house. I put him down in Sophie's bed and he screamed! He wasn't very happy about it and kept shouting for Mummy and then Daddy. It was quite upsetting but after 5 minutes he was quiet, and I felt it was okay to go. Thank you Sharon for taking care of my baby for me. xxx

We were really lucky with the parking at the hospital and arrived just ahead of our appointment. We had to wait ages to be called in and when we did it was the fastest appointment I had ever had. The lady who did the scan was really nice but very quick. I got onto the bed in an unusual way too and pulled something. I think in the rush I didn't think properly about getting on sensibly.

The lady measured his thigh bone at 66.8mm and tried to measure his head but it was just too far down. His belly measured 291mm. He was head down with his spine running along my right hand side and his limbs were over on the left. Placenta had also moved into the correct position so all in all, it was good news.

We did see his face for a brief second and he had chubby cheeks, a little nose and big lips. She said he was practicing his breathing as his mouth was open. Here is the picture but it isn't that clear. I think he looks just like Ellis.

I then had to do a wee sample. I had been going to the toilet all morning so I was a bit worried about this. I had literally just been before the scan but I think because the head was so low it was pushing every last drop out and I managed to do a sample with no problems.

We were in the waiting room for 30 seconds before being called back in to see the consultant. What they do is sit you in a room with your name on the door, take your blood pressure and then you wait some more. My blood pressure was the best yet at 110/65. I think I get reverse white coat syndrome.

The consultant came in with a student doctor, and ran through the results of the scan, which was good news as I wouldn't need to have a c-section. I have had a few people say to me, was I disappointed really, would I have been happier for the decision to just be taken out of my hands etc, and I can honestly say, hell no! There are a few reasons why I wouldn't want a c-section, but if it does happen in the end, I will just have to get over it. Does it matter really? In the whole scheme of things, as long as the baby is born okay, I shouldn't really care. I recovered last time, and although it will be so much harder second time around, I will recover again and live to tell the tale.

Things will definitely be different this time around. I asked if I could wait for Rob to get home before coming into the hospital, but I was advised that if I am contracting, I will have to go straight in to be monitored. She said I would be connected to a monitor and I in turn said that's fine but I want to be able to walk around and be as active as possible. She then looked at me like I had just grown horns! I don't think she was used to someone knowing so much and having an opinion on it all. This upset me as she just wasn't very positive or open to what I wanted. I got the feeling she would just rather I went for a c-section and leave it at that.

I was asked if I would want to be induced if I went overdue, and I said yes please. They would do this by checking my cervix and if able, they would break my waters and hang up a hormone drip.

Another thing that sounds horrid to me is that I will have to have an internal examination every 3 hours to see how I am progressing. It isn't a case of letting my body do it's job. I will basically be on a countdown and if they feel I haven't progressed enough, they will take me into surgery. Unfortunately all this information doesn't help me to relax, which is the main thing I need to do in order for my body to do its thing in the first place.

If my waters break, and the fluid is clear, as long as I am not contracting, I can stay at home, waiting for Rob or getting stuff sorted. I will have to ring the delivery suite first to check that is okay.

We were given statistics regarding the chances of my scar rupturing, and luckily Rob was there to pick up that she had given us the wrong information. The student doctor gave us the correct figures of 2:1,000 for a normal labour and 4:1,000 for an induced labour.

The student doctor then had a prod of my bump and measured me even smaller than my midwife at 33cm, but the consultant said that the scan showed normal growth of the baby.

I have another hospital appointment on the 28th May as they were fully booked on 26th May, thank God as that is my 30th birthday. I will be 40 weeks and 6 days.

I left feeling rather upset and disheartened. I'm not sure what I was expecting really, but I had a good cry about it but it didn't make me feel any better. I spoke to Mum for ages too and she tried her best to put it all into perspective, but at the time I was just too caught up in it all. I sound so dramatic about it I know, but when you go from wanting a natural home birth to a hospital birth with constant monitoring and a higher chance for further intervention/surgery it is a bit disappointing. I know I need to look at the bigger picture and just make sure that Dollop and I get through this okay, and that's all that matters.

The traffic on the way back to Sharon's was crap so we didn't get there until gone 4pm I think. I had a yum yum, which helped me a bit and a quick chat with Sally and Sharon.

Last night I went to my active birthing class. I am slowly moving towards the door now which is rather scary. From last week one of the other VBAC girls had given birth via c-section as her baby was stuck and not coming out. It was a boy that she called Harry. Sarah (the other VBAC) and myself, looked at each other and said "0ne down, two to go!" It's really nice as we sit by each other and have had a similar experience in the past and want the same experience going forward. She also said I have a very neat bump which was nice.

The whole evening was spent trying to sort our heads out. About not dwelling on what happened last time and not thinking about what it is going to be like this time. We can't change what our bodies will do and we can't predict it, and we can't change what the hospital will do either so we just need to deal with the situation as it is and do what we can, which is to stay calm, relaxed and to just concentrate on breathing through each contraction. Easier said than done, so what I need to do now is sort out all the thoughts that are bouncing around in my head and just concentrate on the job in hand.

We ended the night by watching a DVD and eating chocolate. What a brilliant way to finish.

Sunday, 19 April 2009


Last night I managed to pin Rob down to do a "quick" interview. It was far from quick I'm afraid and below are 3 videos. If you are able to sit and watch them all and think that I may have missed some important questions, then please let me know and I can ask him.

Dollop was moving non stop all day and all the movement has been up high by my ribs. I haven't been unable to bend down or over properly and I have been out of breathe quite a bit. I get a massive foot or elbow or something, stick right out and then move over. It is very strange and sometimes very uncomfortable. I have also had quite a few hot flushes which I have assumed are Braxton Hicks.

Ellis has started to hurt bump too. He doesn't do it on purpose of course but when I pick him up, sometimes he will sit funny on it or when he is sat on my lap he jabs his elbow into it and I think the funny muscle splitting thing makes it painful.

Been feeling fine actually for quite a few days now. Pelvis has been brilliant and I have been able to walk without too much of a waddle. I have been having some slight lower back pain which I assume is all related to the weak pelvis.

Charlotte kindly purchased some sweet almond oil for me so that I can start my perineal massage. Ah, the joys of birth.

I have finally started to wash all the baby clothes, blankets, sheets, towels etc which is going to take ages as I will iron them too. Mum is over on Tuesday again, so hopefully, fingers crossed, she can help me out a bit with that.

I do feel like, if my waters went now, I would not be ready! The clothes, bedding, hospital bag, plan of action, who to call, birth plan, is not prepared. I know we would just manage but it gives me butterflies to think that I wouldn't feel okay. So I am going to change that. I have started to put my bag together and will probably need to buy a few things so I can get a list together and get that finished soon. My birth plan needs to be done by Monday as the midwife will probably read through it, and the clothes are currently being washed. All systems are go!

I have been needing a lot of sleep recently. I think maybe because I need to crunch so much ice all the time, it is making me need the loo more during the night, so I'm not sleeping as sound as I have been. Turning over isn't a problem yet and I seem to get quite comfy with my huge blue pillow (Winston), and my rolled up towel.

The swelling of my hands and feet comes and goes and is worse in the evening. I could do with taking my engagement ring off again but it should be fine by the morning.

Really looking forward to the scan on Tuesday. Fingers crossed, it is all good news.

Friday, 17 April 2009


Here are this weeks bump pictures with measurements this time and a video with movement and me thinking out loud.

35 weeks this time...

... 35 weeks last time


Weight = 13st 6lb
Tummy = 111cm
Upper arm = 29cm
Upper leg = 63.5cm
Ankle = 24.5cm
Neck = 34cm

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Wednesday, 15 April 2009



Other note, my engagement ring is back on! Hurrah!

Tuesday, 14 April 2009


I forgot to mention that I have this sudden need to crunch ice. I have been having glasses full of it.

Friday, 10 April 2009


Usual bump pictures with an extra one of me trying to hide how many chins I now have!

Dollop still seems to move around quite a lot. I get kicks/punches on my left and right side and along the top. I obsess everyday about what position he might be in.

I have also felt him have hiccups a couple of times too. They are a lot softer feeling than with Ellis. I had a horrible squelchy feeling with Ellis that used to go on and on for ages but Dollop just has rhythmic gentle throbs.

Been going to lots of classes lately and talking loads about labour, giving birth, recovery and taking care of a newborn and toddler at the same time. I feel quite strong about it all until I actually think about it! I'm really excited to meet Dollop and start finding out what he likes, doesn't like etc, and to watch him grow, and I'm also excited about Ellis meeting him. But when I think about the lack of sleep I start to get really scared about how I am going to cope with it all. I know I will have support etc for certain things but doing breast feeds during the night and then still having to get up in the morning to sort Ellis out and going to his groups etc is a very daunting task. When will I have time to wash and get dressed? When will the washing, dishes and food shopping get done? Ironing? Cleaning? Will I ever have any down time again? It may be all plane sailing and I will love every minute, but my brain doesn't work like that, much to Rob's annoyance.

Did a ton of housework yesterday and it felt really good to get it done. The only problem was that I totally did myself in! Aches and pains are back and I was so tired. Went to bed at 9:30pm and didn't get up until 10:30am today. Thanks honey for doing the morning shift. xxx

Going to try and set up the interview with Rob this evening and will post it tomorrow. Fingers crossed I can stay awake that long.

Monday, 6 April 2009


Picture of me all dressed up ready for my line dance on Friday night.

The last 2/3 days, I have really noticed a change. Bump has grown and I'm starting to feel the weight a bit more. I'm not in pain which makes a change but everything is now becoming an effort. I also find that I wake up tired and my face and feet are starting to puff out. I knew it would happen at some time or another and it has definitely happened later in this pregnancy than with Ellis. I think that is due to keeping the excess weight gain down.

Generally just feeling rather stiff and tired. Loving being pregnant even more now that my pelvis pain has settled down. I'm still nursing it every day and being very careful but I think that it helps that Dollop is in a different position to Ellis. Still have quite a few weeks left yet but only 2 weeks until my next scan. I'm really looking forward to it and I hope to be told what way around he is and to find out more information re the VBAC trial labour etc.

I'm also at that stage where I keep forgetting how far along I am. I had to check before writing the title of this post.

Been having loads of Braxton Hicks. Yesterday was quite a bad day for them and we had a really busy day, plus I woke up feeling exhausted. It was quite a struggle to keep going, but you just have too, there is no choice. Ellis needs taking care of and I can't stand the house being too messy. Speaking of the house, I can feel the nesting thing kicking in again. I just look around and want to clean everything. Now all I need to do is find the time and firstly, the energy to do it all. I want to get my hospital bag packed and baby clothes cleaned soon.

Still have a few things I would like to get, like a new play mat, swaddle blanket and some nursing tank tops. I have found a really nice, cheap swaddle blanket here -

Rob and I need to work out the car seat situation, birth plan, name and plan for what to do when the time comes. Other than that, I am pretty organised. The car seat thing wouldn't be essential as we already have car seats for both kiddies.

I'm hopefully going to interview Rob soon to find out how he is feeling etc. I have a long list of questions so might do it in parts. I was going to do it a lot more often but I just haven't got around to it and he is a very busy person.

Off to sort out yet more washing and to put some toys away, ready for the afternoon session.

Saturday, 4 April 2009


This weeks bump pictures.

I weighed this morning too and I am 13st 2lb, which means I've put on 2lb in 3 weeks.

Ellis joined in too as he likes having his photo taken.

Thursday, 2 April 2009


Last night I had my first active birthing class. I was a little bit nervous and I didn't even know what to wear! I sent a text to Vivien, the teacher but she didn't get back to me in time so I wore comfy jeans with a t-shirt and took my joggers with me just in case.

It was the usual start of introducing yourself, saying when your baby is due to arrive, where you are planning to have it, have you got any other babies etc.

We then moved on to discussing our birth plans. I did quite a comprehensive plan last time, (see below) so it will need to be changed quite a lot this time. First of all I need to find out what my limitations are in the first place and then work it out from there.

Michelle George’s Birth Plan

My husband, Rob, will accompany and support me throughout my labour.

Home Delivery

The preferences expressed below apply to a trouble free birth. If it is necessary to deviate from these preferences, please can:

The pros and cons of my options be clearly explained to my husband and I;
The implications of doing nothing be explained to us.

In preparation for this birth, I have attended active labour classes. My preference is for as natural a birth as possible. Nevertheless, I understand that I may require pain relief and/or medical intervention if the birth is difficult.

I would prefer not to have internal examinations unless the midwife feels it is necessary to do so. Where possible, I would prefer any examinations to be carried out in the position that I am in at the time.

I would like to have as active a birth as possible – moving around, kneeling, using my birthing ball etc.

I would like to avoid lying on my back. If I need to lie down, I would like it to be on my side if possible.

Hospital Delivery

I would like intervention in the birth to be kept as minimal as safety allows, with foetal monitoring that allows me to remain active and mobile.

Please can the number of people in the delivery room be kept to a minimum – ideally only Rob, the midwife and I.

Please can the lights be kept subdued throughout, including after the birth.

For natural pain relief, I plan to use breathing techniques, a TENS machine, a heat pack and massage etc.

If the birthing pool is available I would like to be able to use this for pain relief. I do not wish, however, to deliver my baby into water so I would like to be removed from the pool as the delivery approaches.

Please do NOT offer me any medical pain relief unless I ask for it.

If medical pain relief is necessary:

I am happy to try gas and air.

I am not keen on pethidine, but would consider it if it was recommended.

If an epidural becomes necessary I would like it to be as low a dose as possible so that I can continue to feel my legs and be aware of contractions. I would prefer for it to wear off for the second stage as I would like to be able to push my baby out myself.

I would prefer the birth not to be induced if possible.

If I use oxytocin during the labour I would still like to be able to move around, so please use a long tube and attach the drip to my arm as opposed to my hand.

Unless it is medically necessary, I would prefer not to have an episiotomy.

I would not like students present during my labour.

If any medical intervention is necessary, I would like to be clearly informed of the benefits, the risks and the alternatives so I can make informed decisions with my husband.

Third Stage of Labour

I would prefer to have an unassisted third stage of labour and Rob would like to cut the umbilical cord once it has stopped pulsating. However, if the midwife feels that it is necessary, or if I feel too exhausted to deliver the placenta naturally, then I would like to wait until the umbilical cord has stopped pulsating and been cut, before the injection is administered.

I would prefer for my baby to be delivered onto the floor/bed in front of me to allow me to bring him to my skin myself.

It is my intention to breastfeed and I wish to do so as soon as possible. I would like to try to breastfeed without assistance and will ask if I require any help.

My husband and I would like to spend some quiet time alone with our baby as soon as is safely possible.

My preference is for our baby not to be administered with the vitamin K injection, however, if the birth has been complicated then I may reconsider this preference. Please ask me for my final decision at the relevant time.

Cesarean Section

I would like to have a front-opening gown to allow skin-on-skin contact as soon as possible.

I would prefer not to have a screen obscuring the delivery but I will accept this if it is considered medically necessary.

I would like the umbilical cord to be clamped as far away as possible from our baby to allow him to benefit from the cord blood.

I would like to be handed my baby as soon as possible and I am happy for him to be cleaned up later.

It is my intention to breastfeed and I wish to do so as soon as possible. I would like to try to breastfeed without assistance and will ask if I require any help.

I would like to be talked through the cesarean procedure while it is happening to allow me understand what is being done.

There were 2 other women in the group who are in the same position as me (VBAC) and there are only 2 first time mums. This actually makes it a lot better as I feel like I'm in the same boat as them and the discussions were more in depth.

My main concern at the moment is getting a plan in place as to what to do when. Lots of people have said that they don't mind me phoning them in the middle of the night, and I am very grateful for that, so I just need to know exactly what I am doing, and to let those people know. For example, what if my waters go at 3:30am, Mum and Dad are away for half of May so I may not be able to call them, so will probably leave them off the list anyway, Rob is 2 1/2 hours away and I know that my Mummy friends work and have young children to take care of too. Makes things a bit tricky really and I don't think I will relax about it until I have sorted something more solid out. Will wait until after the 36 week scan as it might not really matter.

I would really recommend the active birthing classes to anyone, first and second time Mums.

The class was from 6:30pm to 8:30pm but it did run over a bit. It was nice to get home with a bit of time left to chill out before my shower and bed.

I wore my new tubigrip today but it is too big. My message to the physio was, that the tubigrip wasn't too tight but was just too short. The new tubigrip is the next size up so isn't very tight and is about the same length. It tends to fall down during the day and I end up tugging at it all the time. It is more comfortable when I sit down though.

Really enjoying my classes etc and can't wait for yoga on Monday.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009


Really long video but there was loads of movement this morning.