Sunday, 19 April 2009


Last night I managed to pin Rob down to do a "quick" interview. It was far from quick I'm afraid and below are 3 videos. If you are able to sit and watch them all and think that I may have missed some important questions, then please let me know and I can ask him.

Dollop was moving non stop all day and all the movement has been up high by my ribs. I haven't been unable to bend down or over properly and I have been out of breathe quite a bit. I get a massive foot or elbow or something, stick right out and then move over. It is very strange and sometimes very uncomfortable. I have also had quite a few hot flushes which I have assumed are Braxton Hicks.

Ellis has started to hurt bump too. He doesn't do it on purpose of course but when I pick him up, sometimes he will sit funny on it or when he is sat on my lap he jabs his elbow into it and I think the funny muscle splitting thing makes it painful.

Been feeling fine actually for quite a few days now. Pelvis has been brilliant and I have been able to walk without too much of a waddle. I have been having some slight lower back pain which I assume is all related to the weak pelvis.

Charlotte kindly purchased some sweet almond oil for me so that I can start my perineal massage. Ah, the joys of birth.

I have finally started to wash all the baby clothes, blankets, sheets, towels etc which is going to take ages as I will iron them too. Mum is over on Tuesday again, so hopefully, fingers crossed, she can help me out a bit with that.

I do feel like, if my waters went now, I would not be ready! The clothes, bedding, hospital bag, plan of action, who to call, birth plan, is not prepared. I know we would just manage but it gives me butterflies to think that I wouldn't feel okay. So I am going to change that. I have started to put my bag together and will probably need to buy a few things so I can get a list together and get that finished soon. My birth plan needs to be done by Monday as the midwife will probably read through it, and the clothes are currently being washed. All systems are go!

I have been needing a lot of sleep recently. I think maybe because I need to crunch so much ice all the time, it is making me need the loo more during the night, so I'm not sleeping as sound as I have been. Turning over isn't a problem yet and I seem to get quite comfy with my huge blue pillow (Winston), and my rolled up towel.

The swelling of my hands and feet comes and goes and is worse in the evening. I could do with taking my engagement ring off again but it should be fine by the morning.

Really looking forward to the scan on Tuesday. Fingers crossed, it is all good news.

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