Wednesday, 26 August 2009


Would you believe it, Leo rolled over on his 3 month birthday!

I jinxed things the other day by saying how Leo is sleeping through the night. To be fair, the last couple of weeks he pretty much sleeps from around 8pm until 6am which is really good, although the last 2 to 3 nights haven't been so good but this could be down to the fact that he seems to have a bit of a cold about him.

I'm still not sure what to do about his bed time routine. He is still a bit all over the place and he does this double feed thing. He basically feeds and goes to bed around 7, just after, and then before 8pm he will wake again. I wind him, put him down, he settles for about 5 minutes (enough time for me to make a cuppa) then wakes screaming again. I feed him again and this can go on for ages so obviously I have a cold cuppa waiting for me. He then pretty much goes through until 6/6:30am. For a 3 month old his isn't doing too badly.

2 days ago he found his hands. It is so cute to watch as he stares and studies these floaty things in front of his face. He often sits with his hands clasped together which is well cute.

I've given him more time in the Bumbo, more tummy time but he still needs more time in the door bouncer. Been a bit busy potty training recently so not had the time to give him the attention.

Here are Leo's 3 month pictures. Just a select few from the 1000's that I took.

Ellis at the same age. They are starting to look different now I think.

Going to Ikea this weekend so hopefully I can post some videos/pictures of Leo's room all done. Fingers crossed anyway.

As for me, I'm exhausted. I'm still plodding along but it's been a rough ride the last few days. Ellis has been ill, potty training is full on and Leo has been demanding some attention, which is fair enough. I've been quite lonely and although my Mum is trying to help, it isn't the same as spending time with your best mate, my hubby. Luckily Lucy baby sat last night and we were able to go out for a meal together. We both had a lush time and even said on the phone today about how much we enjoyed it. It would be nice to do it more often but then I suppose it wouldn't be as special.

I have felt better today but on examining my bits this evening I was left disappointed as nothing seems to have improved. I am actually ready to resume some sort of sex life but I can't see how that would be possible just yet. I have the doctor next Wednesday and I will be asking her lots of questions. I hope to get things sorted out soon but I'm not sure what that means. Seeing as I would like to add to our family, how will this effect things if the opportunity ever was to occur?

I'm meeting up with my AB group tomorrow but not feeling that confident about it. Hopefully in the morning I will just do it and not think about it as I could do with seeing some adults.

Time for bed. Hopefully tonight Leo will sleep well as I could do with the rest, especially as I have been up blogging all evening and it is now 10:48pm! Way past my bed time.

Monday, 24 August 2009


So after my last post I set about making positive steps towards making things better for little Leo. I put him in the Bumbo to watch us have breakfast and then gave him 10 minutes in the door bouncer. I have also included the video of when he went in it for the first time on Friday.

He also played on his mat and had tummy time a few times today. He is actually doing quite well with holding his head up and I will try and get it on video tomorrow.

I expressed a bit of milk this morning and I will try and give it to Leo in the morning, before expressing another one. I wanted to feed him in the evening but I would have difficulty warming up the bottle in time for his feed after I have put Ellis to bed. Too complicated and long winded to type out what I mean, but trust me when I say it wouldn't work right now. If I had a bottle heater upstairs then I could stick it in while I bath them then it would be ready for when I have finished. More money though!

I can't believe it but Leo is lacking in clothes to wear in this weather. Ellis' clothes at 3-6 months were for the middle of November so it is all long sleeved items, jumpers and thick clothes. There are a few things I can put him in but not a lot. I suppose I'm going to find that will happen a lot until Leo is a bit older. I expect for Christmas I will just get him some clothes and a few little personal presents.

Took Leo swimming again today. Dunked him like we always did Ellis and he didn't seem to mind. He wasn't really happy today though so I didn't keep him in long. Going to take the floating square support for him next time so I can have my hands free to play with Ellis too. I should be able to take them both on my own when Leo is a bit more sturdy.

Leo's hand, eye co-ordination is really good. He reaches out and grabs things which I find amazing at such a young age.

I e-mailed the Sing and Sign lady and also Debs about the music class so will hopefully have that sorted soon. I have asked my Mum if she thinks she will be able to help out with looking after Ellis while I do a class with Leo.

Been looking at cots for Leo and I think I have picked one from Ikea. Might be able to get it this weekend which would be great.

Feeling more positive now and especially happy as I got a proper giggle out of Leo this morning. It was so lush! Can't wait until he is really laughing at loads of things.

My boys are mint!


As I sit and watch my littlest Angel sleeping, I feel like I am failing him. This feeling comes after watching some old videos of Ellis last night. I realised that I am not doing anywhere near as much with Leo as I did with Ellis and it hurts me.

A few things that have been lacking:

music class - Ellis started at 12 weeks
tummy time - Ellis was already holding his head up nicely
Bumbo time
door bouncer time
mat time
chatting time
Daddy time - nothing can be done about this for now
being in a big bed in his own room - Ellis would occasionally have a nap in his big bed

practicing using a bottle for feeds - This was good for when I wanted to go out

I realise that by having a toddler who is potty training will effect my time I can spend with Leo but as far as I'm concerned, that isn't a good enough excuse. I know I can't do it all but I should, if that makes sense.

So this morning, Leo has had tummy time, been in the Bumbo, had time in the door bouncer and played on his mat. This afternoon I will attempt to e-mail Debs about the music class and will sign him up for Sing and Sign in January. I am also going to buy him a bed and get his room sorted out for him. I know it means I will have 2 cots but I don't care. Ikea sell them for £45 and I would buy a new mattress anyway so there is no saving there. Ellis is fine in his cot, which will eventually be used as a bed for Leo when Ellis has his big bed. Decision made, just need to buy it all now. Will try and do some research tonight.

Also, Ellis was going swimming once a week by now. We are going this afternoon and I am hoping that maybe my Mum could come with us regularly so that Leo can go in too. I will have to ask.

There are not enough hours in the day for me to do all that I want to do, nor do I have the energy to do it. Maybe there is no room for one more baby. :o(

Tuesday, 18 August 2009


Leo was 12 weeks old today. Where has the time gone. I remember when I was waiting to get to 12 weeks pregnant and it seemed like 6 months, but the 12 weeks since he has been born have just flown by.

I still can't believe I gave birth and that I did it without pain relief etc. The whole process just amazes me and I would love to go through it again. It is very, very hard, pelvis pain, tiredness, hip pain, bad back, mood swings, feeling sick, uncomfortable, swollen everything, weight gain, stretch marks, not sleeping, sore boobs, hair growth, etc etc but to feel that little new life moving about and then seeing what you created just out weighs all the negatives.

Leo has now outgrown the sponge liner of his comfy chair so I have taken it out and he looks so much better now.

He is comfortably in all his 3-6 month vets, grows and outfits although some 0-3 outfits still fit him.

He is very dribbley just like Ellis so I had to relent and put a bib on him the other day.

We went to the health visitor today and he was weighed at 13lb 10 1/2oz, which is just above the 50% line. He is doing really well and the health visitor said keep up the good work with the breastfeeding.

I asked the HV about the scaly skin on his head which I thought was cradle cap. She could hardly see it so said that I should leave it for now but if it got worse, to use olive oil on it. I'm hoping it will just go on its own.

He had his 2nd set of jabs today and he obviously didn't like it but settled down quite quickly after it was done. Next time it is 3 injections! That is the worst one. Thankfully he wont remember it.

Well I did weight this morning and I was actually quite happy with the result. So happy in fact that I probably ruined it all by having cake, chocolate brownie and a Whole Nut, oops!


Weight = 12st 6lbs (-5lbs from 4 weeks ago)
Tummy = 93cm (-2cm in 4 weeks)
Upper arm = 29cm
Upper leg = 62cm (-1.5cm in 4 weeks)
Ankle = 24cm
Neck = 33cm

Still a long way to go to get back to what I was and to improve my fitness.

A couple of pictures of Ellis at 12 weeks.

Monday, 17 August 2009


Leo slept through last night until 6am from 8pm so why do I feel so tired?

Been doing my pelvic floor exercises as often as I remember, which is quite a lot, I just hope it sorts out my bladder soon.

Been taking the pill for a week today and I had some blood this morning which was a bit strange. Not sure if it is a period or not.

My hair is really falling out now. It is everywhere! Leo's hair is coming out too and in the morning his crib has a big clump in it.

One bit of good news, my armpit hair growth is back to normal thank God!

Leo went in the door bouncer for the first time on Saturday. He really loved it but is probably still a bit young.

He is enjoying his mat a bit more now and talks away to all the hanging animals and rolls nearly onto his side now. His legs kick when he is excited and his arms go all over the place. He is still a really smiley baby which is lush.

He has outgrown the sponge in his chair so I need to remove that and clean the chair up a bit.

I was chatting to Rob yesterday about having another child, and that if we did, could we have a 4D scan done this time. He didn't say no but he did say that we find things hard as they are so how would we cope with another baby. I responded with the fact that he would hopefully be around more often which would make it so much easier, plus Ellis would be at school. He still didn't say no. ;o)

Been eating quite well the last few days and I am really trying. I will weigh tomorrow just to check if there has been any change. Can't wait to get into my normal clothes again.

Mum will be here soon as I need to go food shopping and it will be so much easier with another set of hands.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009


I miss being pregnant. I miss feeling the movements, and even if I think really hard about it I can't actually remember what it felt like! How strange is that!? I've watched videos I took of Leo moving inside and I still can't remember it. It was so long ago now.

I was just looking at the below picture I took today and I can honestly say that 2 isn't enough. Yes I'm greedy and probably mental too but I can just see one more beebs laid next to them. If Rob is one day in agreement, then when would be a good time? I would definitely want to get fit as this would certainly help me to get through another pregnancy and I think I need to leave a while yet for my bits to heal properly. I like the idea of them being close together though. It would be wicked!

Leo is a lush baby boy. As long as his bum is clean, belly full with no wind he is so happy to just sit or lie anywhere watching the world go by. I try to talk to him all the time and give him cuddles as often as I can.

The breastfeeding as settled down although he still tends to feed every two hours starting at about 6am. From the 2pm feed I can usually stretch him until 5pm but it helps if I'm out and about.

He has this amazing smile that just lights up your life and an incredible frown which makes me laugh every time.

I love being a Mummy and I love my boys.

Monday, 10 August 2009


Started taking the pill again today. Not sure why I chose today but I just did.

Had a look at me bits yesterday and things seem unchanged which doesn't make me feel very nice. It isn't really early days anymore as far as I'm concerned but the doctors keep telling me not to worry and that it will get better.

Leo is progressing really well. His hand, eye co-ordination is coming along nicely and he regularly tries to grab for things in front of him.

He is still being a really good baby although he has his days when he needs a lot of attention. I just put it down to a growing day and he needs more feeds than normal.

He fell asleep on the changing mat this morning for the first time. I stood looking at him (and sniffing him) for ages and I can't get over how much he has grown already. He has really filled out nicely.

I am supposed to be weighing myself and doing measurements next Tuesday (not tomorrow) but I don't think I can because I know the results are going to be bad.

When I'm ready I have a plan of what I am going to do. First of all, increase my water intake, decrease tea intake. Then I'm going to add way more fruit and veg to my diet and cut out all the cakes and biscuits I've been having. Then I'm going to start going for walks with the buggy and walking quickly to build up a sweat. I will take it steady to start with as I still wake up with a sore pelvis some mornings.

I'm so tired! Off to bed me finks.

Friday, 7 August 2009


Today I had 2 different people tell me that they think Leo is starting to look more like me.

I haven't done a blog entry for ages, so here is a video entry, done in 2 parts, followed by some recent pictures and videos which are self explanatory.

Part 2 is a continuation but I couldn't stitch the 2 videos together.

I will try to do more entries.