Monday, 24 August 2009


So after my last post I set about making positive steps towards making things better for little Leo. I put him in the Bumbo to watch us have breakfast and then gave him 10 minutes in the door bouncer. I have also included the video of when he went in it for the first time on Friday.

He also played on his mat and had tummy time a few times today. He is actually doing quite well with holding his head up and I will try and get it on video tomorrow.

I expressed a bit of milk this morning and I will try and give it to Leo in the morning, before expressing another one. I wanted to feed him in the evening but I would have difficulty warming up the bottle in time for his feed after I have put Ellis to bed. Too complicated and long winded to type out what I mean, but trust me when I say it wouldn't work right now. If I had a bottle heater upstairs then I could stick it in while I bath them then it would be ready for when I have finished. More money though!

I can't believe it but Leo is lacking in clothes to wear in this weather. Ellis' clothes at 3-6 months were for the middle of November so it is all long sleeved items, jumpers and thick clothes. There are a few things I can put him in but not a lot. I suppose I'm going to find that will happen a lot until Leo is a bit older. I expect for Christmas I will just get him some clothes and a few little personal presents.

Took Leo swimming again today. Dunked him like we always did Ellis and he didn't seem to mind. He wasn't really happy today though so I didn't keep him in long. Going to take the floating square support for him next time so I can have my hands free to play with Ellis too. I should be able to take them both on my own when Leo is a bit more sturdy.

Leo's hand, eye co-ordination is really good. He reaches out and grabs things which I find amazing at such a young age.

I e-mailed the Sing and Sign lady and also Debs about the music class so will hopefully have that sorted soon. I have asked my Mum if she thinks she will be able to help out with looking after Ellis while I do a class with Leo.

Been looking at cots for Leo and I think I have picked one from Ikea. Might be able to get it this weekend which would be great.

Feeling more positive now and especially happy as I got a proper giggle out of Leo this morning. It was so lush! Can't wait until he is really laughing at loads of things.

My boys are mint!

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