Been trying to keep busy the last couple of days, but I am pretty much in constant pain at the moment. My pelvis is very sore and sometimes just sitting down hurts. Moving in bed is a pain, literally and I have nights of very broken sleep. I suppose I should be getting used to it as I will soon be up through the night feeding and changing and then I still have to get up with Ellis in the morning. I'm hoping in the early days, once the visitors have died down that I can get some sleep when Ellis has his nap, even if it means me feeding baby laid down.
Yesterday we went to Ella's first birthday party. I can't believe that was a year ago! Time does go by very quickly and it's rather scary.
Rob was really good at the party, watching and playing with Ellis pretty much the whole time. It was great to just sit and relax a bit. I tried to push Ellis up and down the garden on a bike and to sit with him to eat his food but it was just too uncomfortable.
Over the last couple of days I've received loads of comments about me bump and the pregnancy, here are just some of them:
"you look neat"
"your all bump"
"what a cute bump"
"it looks fake"
"you haven't put much weight on"
"your huge!"
"how many have you got in there!"
"wow, you look ready to pop"
"he will come when he is ready"
"bet you can't wait to get him out now"
"you haven't had it yet then?!"
"still intact"
Been trying to get Rob to go to bed at a sensible time so that if the baby decides to start showing signs of arriving in the early hours of the morning, that he would have had a bit of sleep. So far it hasn't worked and I have now officially given up. I have tried.
Rob spent some time last night painting my toe nails which I am very grateful for as today was certainly flip flop weather. Really puffy feet this evening, so hopefully he will do my cool fritz stuff too.
Been feeling rather overwhelmed of late. Lots going on and lots to think about. Decisions have to be made about things, and I just don't know! I really don't want a birthday this year as it just feels like too much pressure. What do you want to do? Where do you want to do it? Who do you want there? What would you like for a present? That's just the birthday. I then have labour, birth and recovery on my mind and mainly, am I going to be a good enough Mum to 2 boys. I love the time and effort I put into looking after Ellis, I just wonder can I do it with 2, with the lack of sleep etc. It does worry me a lot. I suppose it was my main worry when I was pregnant with Ellis.
Been trying to relax a bit in the evenings. All my TV watching stuff has now finished until September, which is good as I should be coming out of the new mum haze by that time. I've been playing my Sims 2 computer game which I love but it munches away the hours way too quickly.
I made a list today of things I was looking forward to and not looking forward to. They aren't in any particular order.
Looking forward to:- No pelvis pain
- Breastfeeding
- Seeing what Dollop looks like
- Dressing him up
- Ellis meeting him
- Watching him grow and getting to know him
- Getting the baby out
- Not being pregnant
- Having an alcoholic drink
- Eating cake mix
- Showing him off to everyone
- Getting Dollop to sleep through the night!
- Finding a name
- All the firsts, bath, smile, tooth etc
- Going on a family holiday
- Playing Sims 3
Not looking forward to:- Not being pregnant
- Sore nipples
- Wearing nursing bras
- Broken sleep
- Recovering from birth especially if c-section
- Finding stuff to wear in the in-between stage
- Dieting
- Labour
- Birth
- Rob going back to work
- Hot weather
- Extra washing
- Ellis maybe changing
- Ellis not liking the new addition
- Bleeding for 6 weeks or more
- Not being able to drive/lift if c-section
- Limited me time
- Loosing myself in Mummy land again
- Baby blues
- Trying to remember everything
I'm sure there are plenty more for both lists but that was after only 5 minutes of thinking about it.
Only 2 days over my due date but you would think it was a lot longer by what everyone says to me. I'm not worried about it, quite chilled in fact. Ellis was late, and approximately 80% of babies arrive within 1 week of the due date. There isn't really a rush for it to happen, as it will happen within the next 10 days anyway, one way or another. I am definitely a ticking bomb though.
Tried out the TENS machine today to make sure it all works okay. One of the pads wasn't working so luckily Vivien had given me a spare so I stole the pads from the other box. Were good to go.
Feeling very tired but need to relax for a bit before bed. Might go and have my shower and play my Sims for a bit.