Tuesday, 26 May 2009


Sorry for the long delay in posting anything but as you can probably guess I did actually give birth to a gorgeous little boy who has been taking up my time. Also we were in hospital for nearly 7 days, (all explained in due course) so I haven't had access to a computer.

Things are starting to settle down at home now so I should be able to find some time to post my huge blog entries of what has been going on and how it all went.

Details are as follows:

Leo Milton George

Born naturally at 05:29 on Tuesday 26th May 2009 - my 30th birthday!

Weight was 8lb 1.5oz

Length approximately 54cm

I have huge amounts of information to share and I will try to catch up as soon as possible. For now I have posted a couple of pictures and my labour and birth story will be posted in the next couple of days, hopefully.

Monday, 25 May 2009


Good job we tested the TENS machine as I started to have contractions at around midday and by about 4pm I was ready to put the TENS machine on. They are very irregular and very short but actually quite intense.

I knew Mum and Dad had arranged for family to meet up their house for some food to celebrate me turning 30 tomorrow. I asked Rob to call them to let them know that there was the potential that we might not make it. Mum answered the phone and immediately assumed we had found something better to do and that was the reason we weren't coming, so she handed the phone to Dad. It didn't even occur to her that I might actually be having a baby. Rob found it so funny but I was worried because I knew Mum would have put a lot of work into arranging everything and would be quite upset. Once she knew though, she was asking Dad to apologise to Rob for being curt on the phone. Thanks Mum and Dad for all that you arranged today. I know I wasn't the life and soul of the party but I really did enjoy it and I know Ellis had a ball!

I have brought all my presents home with me but if I'm in hospital tomorrow then I will probably only open my cards and leave the presents for when I am back home. I would prefer to open them in front of everyone anyway.

Contractions are really low, around the bottom of my bump and around into my back. I am currently sat on my ball, wiggling and just trying to relax. Would really like to have a shower and a lie down but I don't want to take my TENS machine off.

Been picking at food all day and sipping at water. Just had my longest contraction at 41 seconds. I did phone the day assessment unit earlier and they said pretty much what I knew and that was to wait for them to be strong, regular and longer. They seem to be treating me like a normal labour which is quite good.

The only thing I'm really worried about at the moment is that I am tired. Might skip the shower, have a strip wash and lie down instead. Not really sure what to do with meself. It's all a bit scary and I don't really want it to happen. Just want the baby and to be at home.

I was hoping this time would be a bit quicker than last time but it doesn't seem to be that way. Been contracting on and off now for nearly 9 hours already! And I know this is still only pre-labour! Going to the loo and then for a lie down I think.

Sunday, 24 May 2009


Been trying to keep busy the last couple of days, but I am pretty much in constant pain at the moment. My pelvis is very sore and sometimes just sitting down hurts. Moving in bed is a pain, literally and I have nights of very broken sleep. I suppose I should be getting used to it as I will soon be up through the night feeding and changing and then I still have to get up with Ellis in the morning. I'm hoping in the early days, once the visitors have died down that I can get some sleep when Ellis has his nap, even if it means me feeding baby laid down.

Yesterday we went to Ella's first birthday party. I can't believe that was a year ago! Time does go by very quickly and it's rather scary.

Rob was really good at the party, watching and playing with Ellis pretty much the whole time. It was great to just sit and relax a bit. I tried to push Ellis up and down the garden on a bike and to sit with him to eat his food but it was just too uncomfortable.

Over the last couple of days I've received loads of comments about me bump and the pregnancy, here are just some of them:

"you look neat"
"your all bump"
"what a cute bump"
"it looks fake"
"you haven't put much weight on"
"your huge!"
"how many have you got in there!"
"wow, you look ready to pop"
"he will come when he is ready"
"bet you can't wait to get him out now"
"you haven't had it yet then?!"
"still intact"

Been trying to get Rob to go to bed at a sensible time so that if the baby decides to start showing signs of arriving in the early hours of the morning, that he would have had a bit of sleep. So far it hasn't worked and I have now officially given up. I have tried.

Rob spent some time last night painting my toe nails which I am very grateful for as today was certainly flip flop weather. Really puffy feet this evening, so hopefully he will do my cool fritz stuff too.

Been feeling rather overwhelmed of late. Lots going on and lots to think about. Decisions have to be made about things, and I just don't know! I really don't want a birthday this year as it just feels like too much pressure. What do you want to do? Where do you want to do it? Who do you want there? What would you like for a present? That's just the birthday. I then have labour, birth and recovery on my mind and mainly, am I going to be a good enough Mum to 2 boys. I love the time and effort I put into looking after Ellis, I just wonder can I do it with 2, with the lack of sleep etc. It does worry me a lot. I suppose it was my main worry when I was pregnant with Ellis.

Been trying to relax a bit in the evenings. All my TV watching stuff has now finished until September, which is good as I should be coming out of the new mum haze by that time. I've been playing my Sims 2 computer game which I love but it munches away the hours way too quickly.

I made a list today of things I was looking forward to and not looking forward to. They aren't in any particular order.

Looking forward to:

- No pelvis pain
- Breastfeeding
- Seeing what Dollop looks like
- Dressing him up
- Ellis meeting him
- Watching him grow and getting to know him
- Getting the baby out
- Not being pregnant
- Having an alcoholic drink
- Eating cake mix
- Showing him off to everyone
- Getting Dollop to sleep through the night!
- Finding a name
- All the firsts, bath, smile, tooth etc
- Going on a family holiday
- Playing Sims 3

Not looking forward to:

- Not being pregnant
- Sore nipples
- Wearing nursing bras
- Broken sleep
- Recovering from birth especially if c-section
- Finding stuff to wear in the in-between stage
- Dieting
- Labour
- Birth
- Rob going back to work
- Hot weather
- Extra washing
- Ellis maybe changing
- Ellis not liking the new addition
- Bleeding for 6 weeks or more
- Not being able to drive/lift if c-section
- Limited me time
- Loosing myself in Mummy land again
- Baby blues
- Trying to remember everything

I'm sure there are plenty more for both lists but that was after only 5 minutes of thinking about it.

Only 2 days over my due date but you would think it was a lot longer by what everyone says to me. I'm not worried about it, quite chilled in fact. Ellis was late, and approximately 80% of babies arrive within 1 week of the due date. There isn't really a rush for it to happen, as it will happen within the next 10 days anyway, one way or another. I am definitely a ticking bomb though.

Tried out the TENS machine today to make sure it all works okay. One of the pads wasn't working so luckily Vivien had given me a spare so I stole the pads from the other box. Were good to go.

Feeling very tired but need to relax for a bit before bed. Might go and have my shower and play my Sims for a bit.

Friday, 22 May 2009


Well I made it to my due date. I honestly thought I would be early with this one, I have no idea why mind you. I was wished a happy due date by quite a few people which was really nice and my hubby bought me some beautiful flowers. I'll take a picture later and add it on.

Up-to-date bump pictures, and hopefully the last ones. Oh, and yes I wore the same clothes on purpose.

40 weeks this time...

...40 weeks last time.


Weight = 14st
Tummy = 114.5cm
Upper arm = 29cm
Upper leg = 65.5cm
Ankle = 25cm
Neck = 35cm

I have compared the above with my starting measurements and the differences are as follows:

Total weight gain = 2st 4lbs
Tummy expansion = + 26.5cm
Upper arm growth = + 0.5cm
Upper leg trunk = ++ 6.5cm!
Ankle swelling = None
Neck widening = + 2cm

Had a good day today. Managed to get a nap this morning which was needed as I had a very sweaty night, tossing and turning, very slowly and in pain.

Lower back has been hurting this evening but I am now sat down. Just going to watch some stuff on the computer, shower and bed. Was supposed to go to a wedding reception tonight and I am disappointed to have missed seeing our Canadian friends, Pam and Rob but I just couldn't face it. I would have been going on my own too which I didn't really fancy.

Hopefully sleep better tonight but with less room and another heat source lying next to me, I doubt it.

Thursday, 21 May 2009


This will more than likely be my last entry before my due date of tomorrow.

The video finishes off yesterday and talks about today.

I don't know why but I tried to take some bump pictures by propping the camera up on the telly. As you can see, it didn't work all that well.

My next door neighbour said hello to me today, and asked when I was due. I told her tomorrow and she said, wow, you have such a cute bump! Love it!

Wednesday, 20 May 2009


Doing so much blogging at the moment but I feel like I want to record everything, just in case I decided to get pregnant again, I can read this and put myself off!

Last night I went to bed quite early, but had bad acid so got back up, had some milk and a jump around to get the baby to move. It seemed to work as when I got back into bed with only one extra pillow, I was able to get to sleep.

Engagement ring is still on and is actually moving around!

Been really trying to get as much rest and relaxation as possible. It is a bit tricky with a toddler but I am doing my best, and I am also trying not to feel guilty about it.

Rob is home tonight and I am looking forward to going to my Active Birthing class. I had some brilliant news this morning that, Sarah, who was sat before me gave birth this morning. She was the other VBAC women of the group, had a 4 hour labour and gave birth out the right hole. She said she didn't come out of it unscathed so will be in hospital for another day, which I can only assume is a bad tear. She had a little girl called Amelie and she weighed 6lb 13oz. I'm so happy for her and can't wait to hear the full story. I will probably miss it though as I should of had mine by the time she gets around to going to Viv's.

Off to Music with Mummy shortly and I am runny very late!

Tuesday, 19 May 2009


Feeling stretched and ready to pop! I have a queasy feeling this evening and I am very tired. Ready for bed any minute now and it's only 7:45pm.

I can't understand why I am being so impatient. It occurred to me today that my due date isn't even until Friday so I have no idea why I am trying to rush this thing, other than the fact that I hurt nearly everywhere, feel huge and heavy and I've had enough. I did however realise that it is my 30th birthday on Tuesday and you can almost guarantee Dollop will arrive on that day!

Today was a busy one. I had some energy this morning so used it to clean downstairs, strip the bed and wash it, bleach the toilets and to sort through Ellis' books. I was going to do his toys but gave up. Mum was wicked and did all my ironing, tidied and cleaned up some stuff and helped me to re-make the bed. Cheers Mu. xxx

Went to Sally and Anna's house this afternoon, after going to Sharon's first! Had a lovely time, eating 2 doughnuts and drinking mugs of tea. The kids were great together as always, and funny to watch. Sally mentioned the shape of my bump being more pointy and I would have to agree. It has changed shape but then I think he is in a different position today, hence why I feel stretched!

My engagement ring is back on and I had to go down a bra size this morning too which is a bit strange.

Going to chill for a bit then get another really, really early night.


Thank you to everyone for your kind words and support. It means a lot to know that there is plenty of help out there for me and my expanding family.

This video covers some of yesterday, (Monday) and then today too.

Monday, 18 May 2009


The contractions didn't start again but early Sunday evening I had a loose bowel movement. I have now been having these on average of once an hour, during the night too and I am shattered to say the least.

Feeling very shaky and run down and not really enjoying pregnancy today.

Charlotte kindly agreed to have Ellis this afternoon so I can get some rest. I soooooo need it! Going to have a bath to soak my ring of fire and just generally do nothing without feeling guilty about it.

If this diarrhea thing is my body clearing itself out for labour then it is doing a bloody good job! I almost thought the baby would come out too at one stage. I'm so ready for it now! Bring it on, I want this baby out!

Going to miss yoga tonight which is a shame but I think it would just end up being a session of me blubbering away on the floor feeling sorry for myself.

Thank you Charlotte for having my little head case for the afternoon. Very much appreciated. Hopefully you wont end up having him over night! ;o)

Sunday, 17 May 2009


Didn't call the delivery suite in the end as I thought I would just go to bed to see what happened. They have gone this morning although I had a very bad night. Getting up to see if I can kick start them again now. Rob is getting some rest.

Saturday, 16 May 2009


Just a little bit of extra info, think I may be now having contractions! Hurrah! Trying to time them at the moment and will call delivery suite soon. Fingers crossed it isn't just trapped wind!

Friday, 15 May 2009


Up-to-date bump pictures and a few videos of what has been going on over the last couple of days. Things are definitely happening at the moment, but I can't put my finger on it.

39 weeks this time...

...39 weeks last time.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009


My bump looks massive on the video but when I look down, I don't think it looks that big! Denial!

Sunday, 10 May 2009


Still having period like aches etc but nothing yet which has been quite good as I have really enjoyed my weekend. I'm ready now as Ellis has seen Thomas and Rob and I have been out for our meal.

My engagement ring is back on although the hot weather today did make it uncomfortable again, but I can't get it off! Hopefully it will be a bit cooler tomorrow and I can take it off again.

Saturday I went to the hospital for a tour of the delivery suite. The car park was quite empty which was strange as it has always been really packed when we have been there before.

I gave my name and sat and waited for the health visitor to come and get us to show us around.

The first stop was the birthing suite which would be amazing to use but I can't. It was quiet, dark and just had a really relaxed feel to it.

We were then shown into the room in which I had had Ellis in. It was strange to say the least and not really how I remembered it. I thought it was smaller with less stuff in it.

I asked about the mobile monitors and I was told that they had 2 but they were only sure that 1 worked! Hopefully it will be free when I need it.

We were then shown into room 11 which they try to use for high risk patients, such as myself and it was a lot nicer than the other room. It was bigger, had a better bathroom and a big window with lots of light coming in. I hope I get to go in there but I kind of think I will be in the room I was before. We shall see.

I left feeling a bit better about it all and ready for anything now. I think I've just stopped worrying as much. What will be will be and there is nothing I can do to change it. Ellis will be fine and I should be home quite soon after anyway and we can start to get back to normal. Whatever that may be!

Ellis still loves giving my bump attention and on a daily basis he talks to it, cuddles it, kisses it and blows raspberries on it.

I did my measurements today. There hasn't been that much change since 35 weeks, apart from my weight. It's strange, I've put on 1/2 a stone in 3 weeks! Not sure how that happened.

Weight = 14st
Tummy = 114cm
Upper arm = 29cm
Upper leg = 64.5cm
Ankle = 25cm
Neck = 34.5cm

Generally feeling quite well. I have been feeling really energised, followed by exhausted! I need to get rest and not over do it now.

Pelvis is up and down too. I think it depends on where Dollop is lying as on Saturday night I was marching along without even a waddle, but then this afternoon I was feeling quite stiff and unable to move without feeling pain.

I have a midwife appointment in the morning so as long as nothing happens tonight, I shall hear his heartbeat again and I can't wait.

Saturday, 9 May 2009


Didn't sleep very well last night. Rob didn't come to bed until really late which keeps me up. When he did come to bed, he was rather fidgety for a while so I didn't go back to sleep for ages. I think it was about 3am.

I was awake a couple of hours later with a period like ache down low. It was quite distracting and I couldn't settle. I was thinking this is the start of something. I'm very paranoid this time and unable to ignore all the little things. Last time I wasn't too bothered although I think I was sleeping on a towel by now.

Ellis woke up really early anyway so I got up with him and I was still getting the sensation for another hour or so.

It is now just gone 8:30am and I seem okay at the moment. I do feel like things are changing/progressing. Getting funny aches, twinges and pains daily now. Sunday night wouldn't be a bad time to start though. Would really like to enjoy this weekend with my boys first.

My thoughts are changing still, for the better which is great. This morning I almost thought, if I had to have a c-section it isn't so bad. Ha! I think the closer the inevitable gets, the more "whatever" my attitude becomes. I suppose it's because you start to realise that there is nothing you can about what is about to happen.

I was cuddling Dollop this morning thinking about the pregnancy coming to an end, and I was sad. I love being pregnant although it is hard work for me and the ones closest around me. I'd like to think that it wont be the last time but it probably will be. Give it a couple of years and I might have talked Rob into it. I think I will just wait and see how I get on with 2 first as seeing Cathy yesterday made me realise that your life is no longer your own, at any point!

Dollop seems really low and my pelvis is really hurting most of the time now. I'm doing my best to just get on with it but it is rather hard at times. He is also moving loads too which is reassuring. I think it must be his leg or foot on the top left hand side. Hopefully that is a good position.

I'm still worried about how and who will have Ellis. Dave will be fine with the bath and bed routine as he has seen it many times and I have told him what to do first thing in the morning, i.e. change his nappy, give him breakfast at 7:30am of 2 bits of toast and some grapes. He would normally have Ready Brek or Weetabix but I think toast would be easier.

I am so ready for bed again now. Hopefully Ellis will go to sleep at 10am.

Friday, 8 May 2009


Up-to-date bump pictures.

38 weeks this time...

...38 weeks last time.

Will do measurements tomorrow, and yes I wore the same clothes on purpose.


Only 2 weeks to go! Hurrah, getting really excited now. Seen 2 new babies at my recent active labour classes and I held both and I loved just looking at them and holding their hands.

Hearing the birth stories of the 2 Mum's really made me realise that everyone is so different. But they both got through it okay and were happy, which to me is really important.

Had loads of comments about my bump being very neat and that I don't look pregnant from the back. It's really nice to hear things like that and makes you feel good.

Still up and down emotionally. Bit of a roller coaster really. I've tried to explain myself to Rob and he has been really good since I told him about some stuff. Poor bloke, I just think he doesn't know what he is supposed to do. I just need lots of love and to be treated with kid gloves at the moment.

Still wearing my wedding ring which is great and I am still crunching away on ice, although not as much now.

Been doing loads of shopping but need to get Dollop a play mat and some nappies.

We have been really busy recently meeting up with loads of people. Everyone wants to see you before you pop, which is really nice but tiring.

Best go and get Ellis up now and have some lunch before my next guests arrive. My friend Cathy, who I haven't seen since our wedding nearly 5 years ago, is coming over with her 2 little ones.

Bump pictures will follow.

Oh, I forgot to mention my under arm hair. This is strange I know, but I cannot keep up with the growth! I have never had this problem before and it isn't very nice. I used to shave every 2/3 days but now I am shaving everyday and by the evening, there is stubble there again! Didn't happen to me last time and I hope it goes away after the birth.

Monday, 4 May 2009


If anyone tells me that I haven't put on weight in my face, then they are telling fibs!

Was trying to video Dollop moving again this morning but Ellis wasn't letting that happen. I am posting the video though as it is so cute that his foot is resting on my tummy.

This afternoon all the girls from my first active birthing class, and teacher, came over for a visit with their boys. We all had boys which was kinda cool.

The kids got on really well considering they were in a little living room having to share toys. There were a few tears but nothing major and it was so nice to see them. I really miss our weekly chats that we used to have. It was kind of like a therapy session every week. I'm so pleased they all made it, and I think everyone enjoyed themselves.

I can't believe that it is nearly time for there to be a new addition to our family. It is so exciting but there is so much to go through yet. I am at that stage where I feel like a ticking bomb ready to explode. Every time I have a period pain or back ache or a twinge, my stomach goes over and I'm like, NO! not yet! I'm not ready!

Friday, 1 May 2009


I was feeling rather stretched this evening when we took the bump pictures. I am sure that if I were to take them again in the morning, my bump wouldn't look so big. I might try it, if I remember.

Very difficult to suck in now.

I just found out that a girl has been diagnosed with swine flu at the local school. I find it very scary that it is just around the corner and things seems to spread so quickly around here, especially with children as you are always meeting up with big groups of people at their classes etc. I'm worried for Ellis, me and Dollop! I wonder how long it will be before you can relax?

Pelvis seems a bit better but I am very uncomfortable this evening. Waddling is even hard work and getting up and down certainly takes the puff out of me.

Speaking of puff. My feet are swollen and are stinging. Going to see if Rob can spare 5 minutes to rub my feet with cooling fritz and re-paint my toe nails. I would do it myself but I can't reach!


Oh, I forgot to mention, to top it all off, yesterday morning I had really bad cramp in my right leg and it is still sore now!

When pregnant, many women suffer from leg cramps. Doctors etc aren't really sure why this happens but I knew about it from last time so I've spent the last 36 and a bit weeks stretching with my toes pulled upwards. Due to being in pain from my bad pelvis because I decided I didn't need to be careful anymore, I didn't get much sleep so forgot to stretch the new way, hence why I ended up with horrible cramp.

Bump is huge now and Dollop has been moving around a bit this morning. I think it is because the nesting thing has kicked in again and I've been sorting, tidying and just generally doing stuff around the house.

The house is disgustingly dirty so I really want to clean it next. Must get the sorting done first though to make it easier, and I will then need to seek the help of Robert as my pelvis is too bad for doing too much.

Will do new bump pictures soon.