Sunday, 10 May 2009


Still having period like aches etc but nothing yet which has been quite good as I have really enjoyed my weekend. I'm ready now as Ellis has seen Thomas and Rob and I have been out for our meal.

My engagement ring is back on although the hot weather today did make it uncomfortable again, but I can't get it off! Hopefully it will be a bit cooler tomorrow and I can take it off again.

Saturday I went to the hospital for a tour of the delivery suite. The car park was quite empty which was strange as it has always been really packed when we have been there before.

I gave my name and sat and waited for the health visitor to come and get us to show us around.

The first stop was the birthing suite which would be amazing to use but I can't. It was quiet, dark and just had a really relaxed feel to it.

We were then shown into the room in which I had had Ellis in. It was strange to say the least and not really how I remembered it. I thought it was smaller with less stuff in it.

I asked about the mobile monitors and I was told that they had 2 but they were only sure that 1 worked! Hopefully it will be free when I need it.

We were then shown into room 11 which they try to use for high risk patients, such as myself and it was a lot nicer than the other room. It was bigger, had a better bathroom and a big window with lots of light coming in. I hope I get to go in there but I kind of think I will be in the room I was before. We shall see.

I left feeling a bit better about it all and ready for anything now. I think I've just stopped worrying as much. What will be will be and there is nothing I can do to change it. Ellis will be fine and I should be home quite soon after anyway and we can start to get back to normal. Whatever that may be!

Ellis still loves giving my bump attention and on a daily basis he talks to it, cuddles it, kisses it and blows raspberries on it.

I did my measurements today. There hasn't been that much change since 35 weeks, apart from my weight. It's strange, I've put on 1/2 a stone in 3 weeks! Not sure how that happened.

Weight = 14st
Tummy = 114cm
Upper arm = 29cm
Upper leg = 64.5cm
Ankle = 25cm
Neck = 34.5cm

Generally feeling quite well. I have been feeling really energised, followed by exhausted! I need to get rest and not over do it now.

Pelvis is up and down too. I think it depends on where Dollop is lying as on Saturday night I was marching along without even a waddle, but then this afternoon I was feeling quite stiff and unable to move without feeling pain.

I have a midwife appointment in the morning so as long as nothing happens tonight, I shall hear his heartbeat again and I can't wait.

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