Friday, 8 May 2009


Only 2 weeks to go! Hurrah, getting really excited now. Seen 2 new babies at my recent active labour classes and I held both and I loved just looking at them and holding their hands.

Hearing the birth stories of the 2 Mum's really made me realise that everyone is so different. But they both got through it okay and were happy, which to me is really important.

Had loads of comments about my bump being very neat and that I don't look pregnant from the back. It's really nice to hear things like that and makes you feel good.

Still up and down emotionally. Bit of a roller coaster really. I've tried to explain myself to Rob and he has been really good since I told him about some stuff. Poor bloke, I just think he doesn't know what he is supposed to do. I just need lots of love and to be treated with kid gloves at the moment.

Still wearing my wedding ring which is great and I am still crunching away on ice, although not as much now.

Been doing loads of shopping but need to get Dollop a play mat and some nappies.

We have been really busy recently meeting up with loads of people. Everyone wants to see you before you pop, which is really nice but tiring.

Best go and get Ellis up now and have some lunch before my next guests arrive. My friend Cathy, who I haven't seen since our wedding nearly 5 years ago, is coming over with her 2 little ones.

Bump pictures will follow.

Oh, I forgot to mention my under arm hair. This is strange I know, but I cannot keep up with the growth! I have never had this problem before and it isn't very nice. I used to shave every 2/3 days but now I am shaving everyday and by the evening, there is stubble there again! Didn't happen to me last time and I hope it goes away after the birth.

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