I forgot a few things in my video entry. One being his weight. He has been gaining loads of weight from all these feeds that he is having.
Weight so far:
Birth = 8lb 2oz
3 days = 7lb 9oz
11 days = 8lb 1oz
16 days = 8lb 7oz
I haven't yet registered his birth and I need to do that soon. Rob still isn't sure of the name Leo but he is hoping it will grow on him.
Rob chose Milton as his middle name which I actually don't mind. I do think of the steriliser company, and a white horse but I have been told that Milton is a famous poet. I'm sure Leo will be having a go at us later in life about his name. I'm pretty sure there are a few people that don't like his name. Rob's Mum didn't believe him when he told her the middle name, she thought he was joking.
He has had a few baths, and I will try and video one shortly. He is pretty good. He cries up until he is put in the water and then once he has been splashed for a bit he settles down.
His hand is still slightly swollen from the cannula and I will be asking the health visitor about it on Wednesday.
Leo has also been graced with a double crown! His are closer together than Ellis' but I think he will still have the famous Mohawk hair. I hope so anyway as it was quite cool on Ellis.
Leo has received tons of gifts and more cards then Ellis which has been amazing. We are very grateful for all the generosity. I will be doing Thank You cards as soon as I can get to the shops to buy some! Might try and do it on the computer and print them out on the weekend. Will see what I can do.
I will try and post regular updates of Leo's progress.
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