Thursday, 2 July 2009


I realise I am falling behind with keeping up with this blog. I have been putting most of my information in Topflumps though.

The health visitor came again last week and weighed Leo. He was 9lbs 13oz! He is growing really well and following the 50% line on the growth chart. She was really pleased. It was the last home visit and I have to attend the local doctors surgery next Tuesday for another appointment.

Things are going OK. Leo has good and bad days. I think a lot of it depends on what I am doing and if I can give him all the attention (feeds) that he needs. Yesterday was a bad day and he cried himself hoarse at one point. I felt really guilty but I just couldn't do it all and he had to wait a little longer than I would have liked.

He still isn't in too much of a pattern with his feeds. Today he has pretty much slept the whole day and I have had to wake him for feeds. Yesterday he wanted to feed every hour. I think the weather plays a part in it though as he is having lots of small feeds.

He doesn't really like being put down too much. He loves cuddles, especially from me and does cry quite a bit some days. He is a lush baby though and I can't get over how cute and beautiful he is.

Last night I started doing a routine but already it is out of the window as he is still sleeping now when I should have bathed him and put him into bed. Anyway, last night I bathed him and fed him before putting him upstairs in bed. Then he woke about 15 minutes later so I fed him again in bed and put him straight back down after. That was about 8:30pm. He didn't wake then until 12:40am but then stayed awake until 1:50am. That was tough.

The next feed was at 5am and then again at 6am when Rob's alarm woke him woke. I left him to sleep on my bed while I had breakfast with Ellis and finally brought him down at 8am.

I have found this time around that I haven't worked out what cry means what. With Ellis I had that sussed quite early on so it was easy to sort him out and put him at ease earlier than I can with Leo. Leo really goes for it sometimes and I just don't know what it is, so I stick him on the booby to keep him quiet. He doesn't seem to complain about that.

The hot weather has been horrid. I love it to be hot, only when I am by a pool drinking cocktails with no one else to worry about except me. The kids have been constantly sweating and Leo has been a real worry especially at night as it is just so hot upstairs, even with all the windows open.

Leo hasn't been wearing any clothes for a few days now so I decided to go through some of his stuff as I know that he has outgrown newborn size already. I can see that Ellis' clothes are not going to fit him at the right times! The long sleeve t-shirts that I have are 0-3 which will be too small for him by the time he will need them. Doh! Will have to buy new of it all. Shame. ;o)

I had 2 piles for the baby clothes. 1 pile was to keep and the other was to give away. I'm not sure why I am keeping some, wishful thinking maybe, or it would just make me too sad to get rid of it all. I'm not ready to let go and that goes for my maternity clothes too.

Speaking of clothes, I have been going through mine as well. I had started to bag up all my maternity wear but I think I may need to keep it out! I am still quite big and I don't have anything suitable to wear at the moment. In fact I'm quite miserable about it all. I'm not helping myself though as I continue to eat crap and then moan about the size of my arms, ass and thighs. Need to sort it out and fast as I'm getting rather down about it which makes my eating worse.

Yesterday I had a bit of a hectic day and it wore me out. I woke up this morning aching! It was a very physical day as well as hot and stressful. I got through but I am feeling the after effects today. It helped that I went up my Mum's this afternoon and was looked after for a bit.

Rob has said that if I can get some expressed milk ready that he would have the kids so that I can go and treat myself. How nice would that be! I have been trying to express but it isn't easy to fit it into my day and also find it hard to even get it working. I will keep trying though as I need a break.

Been trying really hard to give Leo a bit more of my time, especially when Ellis is otherwise occupied as I don't want him to miss out. Plus I enjoy cooing at a baby.

I'm hoping this weekend we can all go swimming as a family but I'm not sure where we can fit it in. Rob wants Saturday to himself to do some tax return stuff so I am going out and Sunday we have Iestyn's birthday party. Rob will try and give Leo a bottle at some point though.

Leo was a month old on the 26th so I took some pictures of him. This is my favourite.

I really want to look into training up to be a midwife. I need to do that soon as I might need to enrol before September. I will have to see what it will involve first though as with Rob away etc it might not be possible for me to do it this year.

Leo has been asleep most of the afternoon which is unusual so I actually need to wake him for a feed. Will try and put him straight to bed but I'm sure he will be wide awake once I stir him.

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