Monday, 14 September 2009


What a nightmare! My appointment letter for the gyni clinic came through last Thursday and I was totally shocked by how long I would have to wait to even have a consultation. 17th October was the nearest date! By the time I had had the consultation, then the surgery, then recovered your talking over 6 months since I gave birth! That's just plain crazy!

So on Monday I called the GP and asked her to see if it could be moved forwards, I called the appointments helpline, no luck there, and I called the hospital direct too and still no luck. I called the GP back today (actually Tuesday not Monday but I'm doing this post before I do the 16 week entry which is for today, sorry if your confused by that) and was advised that the 17th October was all that was available.

After a brief discussion with Rob it was agreed that I should seek private medical care and so I asked my GP for a referral. They gave me a number to call which I did and I have been given an appointment with the same doctor for the 17th September, a full month earlier than NHS can provide. It's going to cost a lot (£200 for consultation alone) but it is definitely worth it.

Not looking forward to the appointment at all but hopefully in a couple of weeks this should all be behind me and I can get on with being semi normal again.

I need to think of a list of questions for the doctor. I'm hoping he can sort out my prolapsed bladder at the same time. I'm not sure if it is even possible but worth asking.

Ellis will be looked after by Mum but I think I will be taking Leo with me. Just easier that way.

Will do update once I've had appointment.

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